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Mortal Kombat X: PS3 and Xbox 360 Versions Should Have Been Scrapped

After a new listing on Amazon, it was revealed that the release dates have been delayed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Mortal Kombat X. The release dates for Mortal Kombat X on those consoles have been shifted to the end of June–more than two and a half months past April 14. Instead of wasting time, money and resources for antiquated consoles, Warner Bros. Interactive should have completely scrapped the old-gen console releases for Mortal Kombat X. The new generation of consoles is in full swing. The game was designed and built for the next-gen consoles, so it is ludicrous to waste all this time for the old generation console versions. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Mortal Kombat X really should have been scrapped.

It seems that the releases of Mortal Kombat X for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are all but a formality. The game will not look as good on these consoles, yet the releases are still happening. I just do not see the point. NetherRealm Studios says Mortal Kombat X is a next-gen game, fueled by next-gen technology. If that is truly the case, why are old generation console versions of Mortal Kombat X necessary? The reason: game sales and money. However, that means a lot of money is spent to create the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. Time, money and resources are allocated toward the old generation versions. Instead, they should be directed at Mortal Kombat X for the next-gen consoles.

At least with Mad Max 3, Avalanche Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive realized that previous generation versions were pointless. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions for Mad Max were scrapped. EA Sports only developed next-gen versions of EA Sports UFC, and the results were sterling. Warner Bros. Interactive’s decision for Mad Max was a wise decision. Avalanche can redirect its focus and all of its eggs into the next-gen basket. For a crown jewel franchise like Mortal Kombat, that should be the case for the new game. This is the first next-gen release for Mortal Kombat X. Forcing the older generation versions makes the release feel a little less unique and not as special.

In short, it is 2015 and time to move on from the older generation of consoles. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 were fine, but they had their day. It seems there are enough PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles on the market to support a new Mortal Kombat sequel.

Mortal Kombat X hits the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC on April 14. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions hit the shelves on June 30.

Jeffrey Harris, a pop-culture, entertainment, and video game journalist and aficionado, resides in Los Angeles. He is a staff writer for games, movies/TV, MMA and Wrestling and contributor to and He is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin's Radio, TV, Film program.