The Wii U Will Be the Best Next-Gen Console

3 min

After watching the Nintendo Direct Wii U Preview Event, it’s safe to say that Nintendo is on top of their game. Admittedly, I was skeptical about how the Wii U would revolutionize the gaming industry, fearing that the controversial Gamepad would turn out to be just another disappointing gimmick, much in the way the Wii’s motion controls were. However, all of that has changed, and Nintendo is definitely on the right track to creating one of the most unique and engaging consoles the industry has seen. Here’s why.

The Games

First and foremost, the games will make or break the console, and luckily, Nintendo has nailed it. Not only have they received such incredible support from third-party developers and publishers (though a few big ones are still on the fence), Nintendo has proven that they are focused on bringing the best in video game entertainment without isolating particular groups of gamers. With 50 games set to be released before March of 2013, Nintendo has done an excellent job at making sure the console will have something for everyone. For the more casual gamers, we’ll see yet another Just Dance sequel, a new Wii Fit title, and other party games that will bring families and friends together. The kids will get some high-quality titles, such as LEGO City Undercover and Scribblenauts Unlimited, both of which will also make some hardcore gamers excited if they are willing to overlook the E-for-Everyone rating. For the more hardcore crowd, Darksiders II, Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition, Assassin’s Creed III and ZombiU are just a few of the games to be excited about. Nintendo even managed to get Black Ops II, proving that the company has finally caught up. While many criticize the console’s ability to push graphics to the next level, gamers should be focusing on the fact that we don’t need new visuals, we just need higher-quality games, and Nintendo is prepared to focus on that.

Nintendo TVii

I’ll say this right now, Nintendo TVii is the greatest thing to happen to home consoles, and easily the most brilliant. Nintendo has seamlessly integrated multiple on-demand video sources such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Instant Video with live broadcasting in one interface, changing the way that users will watch TV. Not only can you use your Gamepad as a TV remote, anything you want to watch will always be in your hands, eliminating the hassle of browsing through individual services to find what you are looking for. You can check scores and plays of the latest NFL games, chat with others about the show you are currently watching, and keep schedules and instant queues for each individual member of the household. Nintendo has announced that every major cable and satellite provider is on board, which is a great sign. From a business perspective, Nintendo has made an incredible decision, as it essentially makes the Wii U the focus of the living room. You’ll never have to put the Gamepad down, so why would you ever need to buy another gaming console? This question is obviously what influenced Nintendo, and they couldn’t have done a better job answering it.

A Social Console for a Social World

Social Gaming is arguably the biggest focus for the next generation of consoles, and luckily, Nintendo is embracing that fact. The world revolves around the internet these days, where social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook are the most visited sites on the web. Gamers want to talk to each other, they want to share their opinions about the games they are playing. Nintendo knows this, and has added the ability to connect with other players in a way that no other console has done before by allowing Wii U owners to talk to each other at any time. If you are stuck on a particular boss, you can put up a message on Wii U message boards straight from your Gamepad, and anyone can see it. Being able to read other gamers’ opinions about certain levels in a Mario game or where they found that super hidden collectible without ever having to leave your game or console is a perfect way to keep players engaged in the experience. Nintendo has gone social, and it’s a good thing.

We still have yet to see how successful Nintendo’s new console is, but I’m feeling very optimistic about its future. The Wii U is set to launch here in North America on November 18, at only $299 for the basic model and $349 for the Premium Edition.


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  1. If you are going to cheerlead put on a skirt and grab some pom poms. You don’t need to write a piece of crap article with little to no value that completely ignores the real next generation that will be PS4 and Xbox 720.

    Wii wasn’t hardware becoming of this Generation. Wii U isn’t hardware that is becoming of the next Generation. Wii U is comparable to PS3 and Xbox 360, but as soon as PS4 and Xbox 720 come out, it will again be at the bottom of the Hardware race.

    After that the games that come to Wii U will look MUCH better on the other consoles.

    1. You need to go put on some Pom Poms and go back to your jerk off circle with other 360/PS3 fanboys. Go figure out what it truly means ot be a gamer and quit picking and choosing based on “my console has this many polygons” and “yours can only do this many texture passes.” Jesus. What makes something “next gen” doesn’t have much to do with raw graphical power. It has to do with simply being the next console release of each 1st-party developer. My kids are part of the next generation of my family whether they have 2 arms and 2 legs or none at all…..

      1. One could say that Nintendo Wii U is the first “next generation” system to come down the pipe. One would have to ignore the fact that Wii U will be woefully underpowered next to PS4 and Xbox 720. This isn’t a circle jerk asshole, the hardware for PS4 and Xbox 720 will leave Wii U in the dust. Wii U will not be on par with the rest of the Next Generation Consoles much like the Wii was not on par with the Current Generation Consoles! That is why I say it’s not really a next generation system, and there is a majority of core gamers out there that tend to agree with me. I know noone with a PS3 or Xbox 360 that is excited for Wii U.

        I will admit some of these features sound impressive. Sony and Microsoft have PLENTY of time to replicate them in a more robust manner. Nintendo may convert a few peeps away from PS4 and Xbox 720, but they will not take the lion share of the core audience. Most people buying Wii U are going to be Nintendo fans. Not the core audience that really is spending money in this marketplace.

        Look at the lineup, most of the core games coming for launch are just ports with new touch screen features.

        Reminds me of the PS2 ports for Wii.

        I am just trying to be factual, this article is just a cheerleading piece, You want evidence?

        The headline of the article is “Wii U will be the best Next Gen Console” although the article is devoid of any real comparisons between any of the other consoles. This article would had been much more honest if the headline would had been “I think the Wii U will be the best Next Gen Console”.

        If you are going to proclaim something the best you need to actually do comparisons, in the English language, saying something is the best is a comparative statement. If you have no comparisons you are just being partisan. So who is the fucking fanboy dick weed?

          1. Well you are the first PS3/360 fan I have heard that is excited to play games with a large heavy controller. 🙂 To each their own.

        1. But when I remember the Wii was ahead in term of sales basically the whole console generation matter of fact it dominated the 360 ans PS3, It out sold the more superior consoles. So obviously hardware power or graphical power doesnt even matter its all about gameplay

          1. Yeah but you are ignoring attach rates. Wii fails with very poor attach
            rates, less than half what PS3 and Xbox 360 do. That is the reason why
            you didn’t see tons of 3rd party support outside of “Fitness” games.

      2. the whole point of generations of consoles is graphical and gameplay upgrades… you do know this right? guess not.
        the wiiu has a weak CPU and GPU only marginally better then current gen, the best comparison of the wiiu will be the best current gen console in terms of horse power.

        1. Granted I don’t want to diminish what Nintendo is doing, they are truly thinking outside of the box. I just don’t see the heavy Wii U controller being an asset to core gaming overall.

          It should add some appeal to home based multi-player though.

  2. Your First paragraph says your skeptical, yet your article from E3 2012 ( ), saying Wii-U won E3 -shows you were not skeptical at all, I mean how much did your mind change from E3 to now? it great, it’s not, it’s great?

    Wii-U = Tablet gimmick

    I own a tablet (Moto Xoom), can safety say it sucks Holding something in your hand for long periods of time. -like masturbation, hold it long enough and it starts to hurt.

    I’m still buying a Wii-U, because I’ve always owned every console from Master System to NES
    (SN: Master System was the best btw, ahead of it’s time -Real Shutter 3D Glasses technology.)

    1. Yeah this is a cheerleading article, I point out that obvious point and the Nintendo geeks descended on me and tried to mug me with a turtle shell.

  3. gamers should be focusing on the fact that we don’t need new visuals” Um, actually i want new and better visuals and i’m a gamer. What made you decide we don’t need any better visuals?

  4. Personally I think Nintendo is on a hiding to nothing with this machine. Third party publishers won’t want to know about it once Sony and Microsoft roll out their next gen machines and I think the bored housewives who picked up a wii this gen will probably have moved on from gaming now. Therefore unless you’re between the ages of about 5-10 years old or have the money for more than one new console I think most gamers will be avoiding this.

    For a console to close to launch there’s zero hype for it and to me that says it all.

  5. Wow anyone who posts anything positive about the Wii U always cops the same flak! If you do your labeled a Nintendo fanboy but then all you hear is the same crap..about being underpowered and not next gen.

    Fair enough the Wii U is underpowered but Nintendo shouldn’t be crucified for trying something different. Let’s get this straight, if Nintendo went after the core with power are you expecting current Nintendo system owners to expect you guys will magically convert from Xbox & PS3?. Nintendo best bet is to work to their strengths which is being unique and in that respect the Wii U is compelling as ever especially for us who will buy a PS3 or 360 when they are released anyway!

  6. It’s difficult to state that the Wii U will ultimately be the best next-gen console; mostly due to the fact we have no idea what the PS4 and Xbox 720 will bring to the table. However, what we can say for certain is that the Wii U is original, innovative and far more suited to catering to both gamer demographics this time around – be it casual or hardcore.

    The Wii U has PS3/360 owners intrigued (although judging by some comments, scared!), Nintendo fans excited, and the casuals interested. Surely, Nintendo must have done something right?

    Whether the Wii U meets the past definition of ‘next-gen’ or not is an entirely different matter, and in some respects, completely irrelevant. You can guarantee that Microsoft and Sony will attempt to capitalise on Nintendo’s ideas when their consoles arrive; history has taught us this much.

  7. Pretty ridiculous to say that the Wii U will be the best next generation console when we don’t even know anything about the PS4 and the next Xbox.

    The Wii U is just a repeat of the Wii in my eyes. A next generation console with previous generation visuals that will get great support from Nintendo but I think it’s going to falter in the long term with third party companies such as Bethesda and others.

  8. First off how can you say something is underpowered when you don’t even know wha it and the next consoles to come ou have?
    I look at Sony and Microsoft fans and they sound foolish. I’m prettty sure Wii U has amazing graphics that will show once a developer gets a game or two under there belt.

  9. If you really paid attention to what The big N is doing you’ll know that they will stay ahead of the curve this time. They are releasing two models. They may be the same specs but that tells you they will keep coming out with updated units like sony and microsoft did. Its not that hard to figure out. Next year or there after they will just bump up the system when needed.

  10. You know, theres no question about that is Nintendo the next top console or not. It is obvious, Nintendo is best next concole. It comes out 1 year earlier than MS ja Sony with theire consoles. There shall be a lot of cool games and everyone has something to pick. Nintendo will rise from the ashes, i beliebe it! I have been playing console games since 90-s and now it is clear – Nintendo takes it!

  11. NEXT GEN??!!! IT”S….NOT….NEXT GEN!!!!!! IT’S A LATE LAST GEN!!! When will people realize that!!!!!?????? It will win the LAMEST GEN award, I give it that….no, actually Nintendo will receive that award AGAIN!!!

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