Helpless Dog Was Left Alone Outside During Storm. Luckily a Hero Showed Up

1 min

These people really get on my nerves. If you can’t give good care to your lovely dog you better give it for adoption.

What this owner did for this poor boxer is totally rude and should be punished. Terrible storm took over Denver, Colorado and it could’ve ended very badly for this boxer.

Luckily there are still good people left in this world. The neighbor who is probably a huge animal lover showed up right when the dog needed him the most.

This neighbor is our person of the week as she showed great bravery going outside while the storm was becoming more powerful.

We all want this kind of a neighbor who shows up at the right moment when we need him or her the most.

Take a look at what this neighbor did in order to save this poor boxer.

Bravery! – I hope this dog picked the neighbor instead going back to the irresponsible owner.

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