Here is Why You Hate the Drunk You

Don’t you just hate the “drunk you” from the other night? – When you have too much drinks at a party you turn into something hard to deal with. You even do pranks for the “sober you” for the next morning.

What kind of person does that?

You are totally out of control, you don’t know what are you doing and you make sure every single person at the party knows that you are drunk.

How many times did you wake up saying that was your last time of drinking too much alcohol? – Don’t answer this question… It’s a trap.

The drunk you is an idiot who doesn’t know how much is enough. Here are couple of situations where the sober you hated drunk you so much that made you feel awful.

1. Drunk you steals cats for no reason


2. There is no locked doors for drunk you

3. Drunk you makes sure you know what happened last night.. and what could be the consequences

4. Drunk you doesn’t know what you eat

5. Drunk you leave notes like this

6. Drunk you is always hungry and falls asleep before eating

7. Drunk you has some ideas he needs to write down

8. Drunk you always spends money on something like this

9. This is actually pretty funny

10. Drunk you always has some ideas like this

11. … and of course he hides stuff in the fridge

12. Drunk you makes sure sober you will be scared to death when he wakes up

13. Drunk you has strange friends

14. Drunk you knows what you need the most the next morning

15. Drunk you always finds the proper way for opening a can

Some people are really weird.

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