Oh It’s Nothing. Just Few People Having The Worst Day Ever

If you think that spilling your coffee on the coffee table or being late for work is the worst thing that can happen to you, you would want to think again. These pictures you will see bellow are actual situations which happened to people and oh man it’s awful.

These kinds of situations make you say: Oh my god what these people did so much wrong this to be happening to him?

I know…we’ve all been there.

Anyway, I find some of these situations pretty ridiculous and funny because… because… well you just can’t drive your car directly into the pool of the hotel or straight into the warning sign and blame someone else

I mean… come on people you can do better than that.

Some of these situations are ridiculous and go ahead you can put on that “I can’t believe these people are so stupid” smile on your face.

1. Someone got pissed off


2. Woman or drunk?

3. Is this what you taught?

4. There was an opening

5. You mad?

6. There goes my pension fund

7. Unlucky

8. What the…?

9. Huston we have a problem

10. The sign says parking only not crush the wall!

11. Don’t ask

12. Women…

13. Accidents do happen…

14. He loves ESHAR

15. We are moving…

16. Timbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer

17. I thought my car was a water scooter

18. You tell me this is not the school?

19. Bad boys for life

20. That sign…

21. Bad luck

22. Congratulations! You’ve made your first panoramic bus

23. How… What…?


24. I don’t want to know

Accidents do happen and please drive safely out there because you really don’t know what kind of an idiot is sitting behind the steering wheel.

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