PlayStation Share Play Looks Like an Exciting New Feature

1 min

Sony PlayStation recently revealed the details for its upcoming Share Play feature for the upcoming 2.0 system software update. PlayStation Share Play is set to launch next week. In addition, Sony released a new video detailing the features and capabilities of Share Play. So far, the new Share Play feature looks like a very exciting and fun way to socialize and connect with gaming friends and other players.

The idea that players can host a gameplay session for a new game and invite a friend to play or help out in the game is a very good one. Other players could sample or try out a new game this way–with a friend’s help, of course. However, if the sessions are limited to one hour, that could present a drawback for multiplayer and co-op sessions. I enjoy a good multiplayer or co-op session. However, mine tend to last longer than 60 minutes. If there is not a way around that, it could make the Share Play sessions a bit problematic.

Another concern is how smoothly it will run. While the Share Play feature is interesting and potentially revolutionary, execution will be key. The feature will need to run easily and glitch-free. I imagine the software developers have worked a great deal on Share Play, so hopefully there are no issues at launch. Another major concern is potential for abuse. Players might take issue with the limited sessions and try to figure out ways to break the restrictions.

Still, the 60-minute sessions could be a huge drawback to Share Play. I clearly understand the reasons for the restrictions, which would prevent someone from basically playing or renting out an entire game from their friend. However, a session ending just as it’s getting good could potentially be a huge buzz kill. If the idea is to allow friends to join in for co-op or multiplayer sessions, 60 minutes is not much of a session. I am not sure if this is possible, but I would like PlayStation to offer some games or demos that allow players to get their feet wet with the feature. I hope it works well and does not turn out to be another disappointment without longevity, like PlayStation Home.

Those arguments aside, I really like the benefits of Share Play and the advantage it offers players with a way to directly connect between consoles. Share Play almost looks like Skype for PlayStation games. In reference to Skype, though, I hope the chat capabilities for Share Play are strong and user friendly.

PlayStation Share Play launches on October 28 for the PlayStation 4.

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