Metal Gear Rising Sparks Debate of Game Length Versus Game Value

Today marks the launch of the latest part of the Metal Gear world’s long-running saga by the way of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Kojima Productions is a team that has gotten a lot of hype surrounding them as the Metal Gear Solid titles have been lauded as some of the best games in the history of gaming, pushing new boundaries as they developed. Metal Gear Solid 2 set a bit of a dividing line out for gamers as it pushed an all-encompassing storyline along with solid gameplay, but did so with a lot of non-interactive cut scenes that at times felt like you were watching more of a film than playing a game. You either loved it or hated it, nothing really in between.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has seen a lot of discussion over the past week or so as the media and select individuals have been plugging away at the game and reporting that the gameplay only lasts around 6 – 8 hours if you take your time. This is of course a full retail game that sells for $59.99 new here in the United States, not including tax or shipping, making it one of those games that if you broke it down by how much value you get by the hour, you are paying $10 per hour of gameplay, or so. That is a lot of money for your entertainment, considering that going to a matinee at the theater could cost under $10 for any film, most hovering around the two hour mark.

This has been a topic that has been up for debate for quite a while now, as gamers want the most bang for their buck, especially with the rise of downloadable titles that cost considerably less than most retail games. We’ve seen games that are under $20 offer over 20 hours of gameplay and the bar has been reset for a lot of gamers and 6 hours for a full game just might not cut it anymore. This of course brings up a whole new argument about what a truly great game is worth.

The reviews that have been rolling in for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance have been nothing but sterling, with it looking to be one of the best titles of the year so far and we are only in February. There are even some who consider this to be the best Metal Gear game of this generation of consoles, which considering how much praise Metal Gear Solid 4 received, that is a pretty big deal. If a game can truly transcend just being a game and have a long-lasting impact, I don’t see why paying $10 for an hour of gameplay would really be that bad of a deal, especially with gamers having the ability to replay and relive the experience. There are some games that I’ve played through a ton of times and that I’ve purchased multiple times across multiple consoles, so I really do believe that if a game is worth more than the average game, you’ll pay whatever you can for it.

Dave Walsh is a well-known combat sports journalist specializing in Kickboxing and also works as a freelance journalist specializing in gaming and entertainment.