The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons It’s Overrated

3 min

The Walking Dead was one of 2012’s most talked about games. Based on the comic book (that spawned the TV series), The Walking Dead was developed by Telltale Games in an episodic fashion, much like a TV show. This is one of the newer approaches to video game delivery, which is to release content as it is completed rather than releasing the whole game when it is finished. The Walking Dead does a decent job at that at least, helping build a desire in gamers to latch onto the next episode to see what happens next. However, after personally combing through the game, I have failed to see the hype surrounding the game, and here are some reasons why.

5) Mixed Voiced Acting

The voice acting in The Walking Dead is a mixed bag. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it isn’t. Every character tends to be blighted by these moments. Fortunately, the more intense and dramatic moments tend to be voiced well, leaving the simpler and straight forward moments to bear the brunt of mediocre voicing.

4) Desensitizes Death

The whole plot behind The Walking Dead is that of a zombie apocalypse. Given that situation, death in the video game is a certainty. The problem arises however, when the game goes out of its way to kill off certain characters over time (more on this later). Thus you become numb to all the death around you and by the end, you don’t feel as emphatic about the situation at hand. Sure, some moments are still sad, but they lose their weight in gold when everyone so easily gets killed off. It doesn’t help that these deaths occur in rather funny/ironic methods too, further pulling you away from any emotional investment you might have in characters. Ultimately, you just can’t shake the feeling that a lot of the deaths in the game occur simply to avoid a messy web of choices and consequences that the developers didn’t want to handle. It pulls you out of your immersion in the story and reminds you that this is a game. Great games don’t do that.

3) Slow Build-Up Of Main Characters’ Relationship

The main characters I’m referring to here are Lee and Clementine. You’ll soon realize the rest of the cast are throwaway characters meant to cater to Lee and Clementine’s story. Unfortunately. Even then, the build-up in the relationship between Lee and Clementine is really slow. In the beginning and up until episode 3, you feel their relationship is equivalent to that of a babysitter and child. This doesn’t really evolve until episode 3 (on a small scale) and only becomes prominent in Episode 4. Episode 5 is more of a conclusion and therefore there isn’t any more room for an in-depth relationship build-up. This wouldn’t be so bad if the other characters surrounding you weren’t throwaway characters, but unfortunately, they are. Therefore, the end of episode 5 evokes a feeling of expected rather than sympathy.

2) Unnatural Dialogue Flow

Truth be told, I could have lived with the previous reasons had it stopped there. The two final reasons however, really brought the game down in my eyes. At number two we have the unnatural dialogue flow within the game. Because of the way the game handles choices and consequences, you’ll get characters responding to you in a very weird manner. At one moment they’ll be treating you kindly and be happy to talk to you, and then in their next sentence, they’ll be angry at you for a choice you made earlier. It totally breaks the immersion factor of trying to appreciate character interaction within the game. It doesn’t help that these sections accentuate the bad voice acting moments and simply drives you to become annoyed with the other characters.

1) Shallow Choices And Consequences

The biggest reason as to why I feel The Walking Dead is overrated is because of how shallow your choices really are in the game. Many who hype the game proclaim it to be a revolutionary way of storytelling, but it isn’t. In fact, it is a disservice to other games out there, whether linear of open-ended, that this game gets praised for its story. Sure, I can understand the praise from an emotional point of view, but that’s all it is. Games have done that for ages. Back to the point though, the choices in the game are very shallow. Your choices either aren’t true choices (things will happen regardless of what you choose), or they don’t have a lasting impact (saving someone in one episode sees them die in the next anyway). I can understand that following through on player choices in the story can be a hard thing to do and will eat up a lot of development resources, but don’t diminish the game by providing gamers with shallow choices. Oddly enough, for a game that has bare-bones gameplay mechanics, the choices you make tend to affect the gameplay more than they do the story. That is uncanny.

How did you feel about the game? Is the game riding the hype of its title tie-in to the comic/TV show, or is it a true gaming gem?


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  1. The most disappointing thing about The Walking Dead for me is that I was expecting a more classic approach to the point and click adventure genre, where you have to find certain items and solve puzzles to progress. The first episode introduced us to it, but it was fairly easy, which is expected for the beginning of the game, but for the rest of the season this element seemed a little absent.

  2. I’m glad to see someone agrees with me. Great article. Thank you for writing this. In a world full of people gushing over this game and franchise, you are truly brave for making your honest and informed opinion known. There were days where I regretted sharing my feeling about this game, but seeing you post this makes me feel stronger and removes my self-doubt.

  3. Um… I haven’t played the game yet, so you might have very valid points in this article. However, your use of the word uncanny doesn’t seem to make much sense. You might want to try looking it up. I believe the word you were looking for was, ironic.

  4. the whole point and click aspect killed it for me immediately. I’d much rather control the character, dish out some punishment or save the day and let the chips fall where they may. Imagine Rockstar doing an open world Walking Dead game along the lines of Red Dead Redemption… now that would kick total ass!

      1. Yeah, there I go. I’m talking about a full game, rudeman, not DLC. Undead Nightmare was good but it only had a fraction of the content from the actual game.

  5. If you’re looking for a much more tense horror/survival game on XBLA try “I Am Alive.” Although it’s not a zombie game the atmosphere is far creepier and creates a real sense of dread. Throw in very limited supplies (and i mean limited like a gun w/2 bullets, a bow & and arrow, at most times 1-2 arrows, and a knife… heh, and I bet you thought Resident Evil 4 was tough on ammo!) … add having to climb all kinds of dilapidated skyscrapers to get around and you have a nice recipe for an on the edge of your seat, nearly crapping your pants most of the way through, gaming experience. Highly recommended!

  6. In regards to some of the other comments; I think the point and click aspect was fine, although maybe a bit under used. I didn’t want an FPS or a brawler, I wanted something that made me think and come up with solutions based on the environment and tools on hand.

    Back to the article, while I do have some problems with the choices/consequences not leading to alternate endings, I can get over all of the smaller nitpicky items – it’s not like I haven’t loved games in the past with poor dialog or wonky controls.

    I will say that I haven’t played a game in years that hit me at such an emotional level. It is also a game that you can play in a group and not have people bored to tears. My friends would stay over until 3am just to get to the end of the next episode – and then make me promise not to start the next one until they could come back the next day.

    1. ” I wanted something that made me think and come up with solutions based on the environment and tools on hand.” Have you played I Am Alive because in that game you do exactly that. Or how about Left 4 Dead 2 and sh*t load of other FPS/Brawler…. Arkham City anyone? Try ur luck getting all the riddler trophies…. that’s more challenging than anything I’ve played in Walking Dead, and guess what…. I get to control the character…. go figure. Clicking on a zombies head to hit it with a hammer is just pure nonsense… it’s just a modern day “choose your own adventure” game with cut scenes. If i’m going to point and click I’d rather play a HO game and reserve the action for games with characters I can control.

      1. I’ve been thinking about picking up “I Am Alive”, not really following you on the rest of your comments though. I WANTED a good Walking Dead story, NOT a FPS or BRAWLER. I played the hell out of L4D2 and Arkham and sure, they were fun and challenging, but the story in Walking Dead made the experience for me. I am a fan of good point and clicks adventures (which it sounds like you hate), and loved “choose your own adventures”, so maybe this game resonates more with people like me than people that just want to go blow stuff up…

  7. I can understand some of these arguments against (although I don’t really agree with them at all), but I want to argue against the desensitizes death argument. I think the whole zombie apocalypse would desensitize a person to death, so that extends to the gamer as well. The Walking Dead refers to the living more so than to the dead, so these sometimes emotionless deaths or events, that should be sad, aren’t because the whole world is almost emotionless at this point. The fact that Lee is able to feel something for Clem in this world elevates the game, for me. They break the mold of “The Walking Dead” and they are truly living because of each other.

    Now, while I agree that making choices with characters don’t really matter because they’ll die anyway kind of sucks (like saving Ben was super pointless in Episode 4) and really the choices you make are all for not because no matter what it ends the same for everybody (well at least in two ways, but they are very similar). But I would say that once again this world is about death, and no matter what you do death will win, in this world. I believe The Walking Dead is about trying to be alive (like Clem and Lee) and not trying to avoid death (like Ben and countless others in all three versions) because in avoiding death they become emotionless and become “Dead” in their own right.

    Idk, that’s just my take on this game and this universe. I loved the game and I thought it lived up to all the hype. Only problem with it is that the TV show seems worse to me now because of how much I enjoyed the game (but of course I’ll be tuning in on Sunday). Easily a top 2 game of 2012 for me, maybe my favorite and I can’t wait for season 2

  8. The whole point in Lee and Clementine’s relationship was that it built up slowly and that they bonded throughout the episodes. If they had just met and Lee instantly started giving her hugs and holding her hand, it’d be pretty creepy. I think the relationship between Lee and Clem is one of the most realistically portrayed in pretty much the entirety of videogaming.

  9. What a way to get readers, by making a outrageous claim that opens to door to contreversy just to get noticed.

    a) The voice acting is not mixed, I thought Clemintine was the most believable child character/actor in any video game in recent memory, and even though I haven’t played the game in a while, I can still remember the voices of Larry and his crazy ass son Doug ect. And worth noting, this was an xbox live title, I picked it up on steam for 10 pound, and gave me 12 hours of gameplay! That is more then most single player campaigns to the ‘blockbuster’ titles these days like Halo 4, which fair enough add multiplayer to the mix, but don’t come close to the value for money this game has when it comes to a emersive single player experiance.

    b) The whole death situation?! What do you expect, its a zombie apocalpsye. Fair enough, after reading the alternatives to saving characters, there isn’t much reply factor, but going back to my previous point on a healthy 12/13 hours gamplay to an RRP of 20 pounds, thats ok in my books, and even then, I like that fact that death is everywhere. I like the fact that the main character dies, it mad me sad. How many games now a days leaves you feeling like, ‘if only I hadn’t of picked up that walkie talkie!’. That last episode was brilliant, and for the record, nearly every zombie game/film ends with pretty much every one dieing, thats why its an apocalpsye, read the defintion. I can understand the way you think that the death of a character is simply to avoid an awkward event from accumulated choices, but I don’t think the choices you make are for future consequences. I believe the choices are added to emerse the gamer into the present situation. What would you do? Would you chop that guys leg off, (for him to turn almost immediately after), or would you leave him there. Either way, your thinking to yourself, and watching that time limit run down and then making the decsion.

    c) This is my main quirp with this article, like a previous commentor, the whole aspect of both the game, tv series and the comics, is to witness the relationships that the main character, in this case Lee, makes with the other people he meets, and how he copes in the environment. either you speak to Clem all the time, even if it was just a chat which wasn’t required for the story to progress, or you just don’t have a great grasp on whats going on in the game. Mabye you do have to be a little imaginative, the story does skip a few months from episodes, so you should believe that their relationship grows stronger in this time, but apart from that I thought the whole going from taking her along because it was almost forced upon you, to then looking after her and threatening people if they tried to intervene, to teaching her whole to shoot and brushing her hair, to the integral life lessons that were shown by her that lee taught her in the last episode was all part of the gradually progress of character building, and without that, the game would have had so many more problems. If the game was taken litarelly, how else would two people interact for the first time of meeting each other, they wouldnt be hugging and holding hands, it takes time to build the relationship Lee and Clem had, and your complaining about something that is basically the foundations, if not the backbone to the whole game!

    d) This is the only thing you have got right. I defended Larry throughout the game and he still had a go at me before he saved Ben. It was frustrating to here him say stuff that happaned ages ago and didn’t mention the countless times I choose to help him, but comparing to other games, the dialogue is still up there with being one of the best. Look at other games that allows interaction. In oblivion, the people recite the same bullshit, regardless of who you are, same in fable or the majority of other RPG’s. They run at a basic level, whereas although Walking Dead didn’t completely break this mould, it still did a good job at least the majority of the time getting it right.

    e) Like I said before, although the game promotes choices, I don’t think their there for the purpse of future consequences. I think their there for the emersion. For you to actually stop and think about what to do next, and to give you the power to dictate Lee and Clem’s immediate future. Fair enough, the outcome is pretty much the same. But I still left each episodes thinking, should I have bashed Lilly’s dads face in with a brick, should I have left all that stash in the car ect. It doesn’t matter to me that at the end the same shit happens whatever choice you make, I like the fact that it affected me as an actual person. I’ve played plenty of games where I dont give a fuck and I just press whatever button to make it go faster. Like megatron in TenPenny tower, who cares? Whats to gain? I few more sidemissions and a house. Whereas in Walking dead, the fact that you have that choice, and the time limit, and the other character looking at you and the game giving the feedback of them really makes me feel attached to the characters in a way that most games dont.
    I don’t know, I think that you have a point, its not a perfect game, but its a damn good story, and if it was a five part series on tv it was get fantastic reviews. The graphics and visual effects in my mind were mabye not orignal but worked well, the characters, although stereotypical, were the right people for the story at hand, and the gameplay, although not exactly challanging, was a way in which to emerse the player into the story being told, in a way that many games jus’t dont now adays. Its all very easy to make a cgi trailer, and then a sandbox for a player to run around for half an hour shooting things, its alot harder to sit down and make a player take control of a character for infrequent moments for 12 hours and still kept there utmost attention.
    Fantastic game. Worth the hype.

    1. I have to agree with you on the point that this was simply written to create controversy and garner hits. This is a poorly executed article from start to finish, and one of the comments below smell much like the author’s style of writing. Oddly enough, it’s a comment praising the article for being spot on. Who would of thunk it?

    2. I agreed with this comment, however, it is Kenny and Duck. Not Larry and Doug, who were seperate characters in the game. Js.

  10. You’re completely right, but I still love this game to death despite all of that. Yeah the controls sucked and the story was kind of inconsistent, but somehow I still love the hell out of it.
    Very few games that go on that list and stay there. If you can love a game despite its flaws, that’s true game love. Hell, it even applies in real life.

    Overall, I think it’s the relationship between Lee and Clementine especially that cemented it for me. I never knew I had parental instincts until I played this game. Another character I really liked was Carley, that dynamic between her and Lee was handled perfectly.
    Ever since I beat the game, I’ve been planning to play it again, and fix every mistake I made the last time, to have the best game possible.

  11. I can’t really disagree with you and can understand where you’re coming from. However to be fair the game is popular because it attracted so many players, new and old gamers alike. How they implemented the game is irrelevant at this point because it is clearly working to its advantage.

    Most of your beefs are really because of how the game was designed. The choices were purposely made that way, the deaths were made that way to NOT deter the more sensitive players from leaving the game entirely. How many players wanted to kill that Dad character before they had to make the change. Many would including myself. They’ve tone it down to the gaming generation of today basically.

    As for the slow build up on the main characters I think this was also on purpose. Do you really think that they would be parent and child in ep1, seriously? He’s escaped from having to go through prison, facing a zombie breakout. You seriously think he has the sanity to think oh I should be a father to this kid up in the tree house.

    So while I can understand where you’re coming from it is really nothing more than you’re fantasy on what YOU would like to have seen. The company cater the game to today’s generation and like it or not it’s has been a bit hit. And for someone like me of 40 I like it as well. It’s not yesterday’s game of Monkey island, full throttle :), and Muds but hey it’s a great game nonetheless (played straight through on the weekend).

  12. what a steaming pile of goat shit! like no shit it’s zombie apocalypse how long are they going to survive?you think they are like Left for Dead characters that can take pills and get 100% health again?and all that other fact are the aspects and special things about the Walking Dead SHOW!you haven’t even watched the show…cuz probably you are 10 fucking years old and you are not allowed!

    1. The Walking Dead Game isn’t even based on the TV Show it’s based on the Comic. Get your own information straight before you try bashing someone else other wise you just look like an idiot.

  13. Congrats on an article that does what it was designed to do. I clicked in and read it. I completely disagree and wonder what types of games you have been playing and what types of relationships you maintain in your real life, but in the end I really don’t care. You got your web hit, I wasted 10 mins of my time reading a Click Through Bait article. We’re all happy now.

    1. Get off it, you stooge. The game was boring, the choices inconsequential, the plot predictable (cannibals on the dairy farm? YOU DON’T SAY), and the controls sucked.

      Thanks for wasting MY time with your ridiculous reply.


      1. Wow.. only took you 2 months to try and troll my comment. Your parents must be so proud of you.
        Ok but here’s the thing, I didn’t MAKE the game, so none of this was me wasting your time. If my reply took more than 3-4 seconds of your obviously precious time, you have bigger issues.
        So many people ticked this game as Game Of The Year or Breakout Game, you are simply wrong. I don’t have to justify it to you or anyone else. Tale Tell was put on the bigger map because of this game. Not my opinion. Fact.
        Now, why don’t you take your attitude and your 80’s Flock Of Seagulls hair and go do something productive.

        1. I’m happy to do something else; I stumbled onto your comment because, after playing and completing the game myself, I was left with a feeling of such disappointment that I Googled “walking dead game overrated” and this article was near the top of the results list.

          In particular, I found *your* condescending tone worthy of response. That you could think an opinion that differs from yours is flat-out wrong is a superb display of hubris.

          Likewise, your immediate response of attacking me for my wonderful full head of hair at over 30 years old (it’s not sticking straight up, incidentally, so I’m at a loss where you get the Flock of Seagulls thing, aside from you having watched Pulp Fiction one too many times, thinking you’re Samuel Jackson) is awfully odd and not at all germane to the discussion.

          Yes, Tell Tale (I love how you get their name wrong, which speaks *volumes* about how “on the map” they truly must be with such adoring fans as you) received accolades, but hey- I still think the game was rather dull.

          I would prefer to charge you for the 3-4 seconds of my time that you wasted, but I’ll let it slide. I have to get mah hurr did.

  14. Isn’t being immune to the thought of people dying the point of an apocalypse to slowly make you let go of your emotions and fight for YOUR life no one else

  15. The WD fans defend this game rabidly and behave as if by not liking this game, you have committed some unforgivable atrocity. The fact is that the number 1 billboard song is not loved by everyone, the summer blockbuster film isn’t liked by all, and the GOTY isn’t worshipped by the every individual.
    The mentality of “you don’t like it because you don’t get it, or you’re stupid” is immature.
    Here are my issues with this game:
    Choice matters. Choice matters? In what way? Essentially, the story unfolds the same with only minor differences. The difference being, it seems, if you make Lee a good guy or a dick. Other than that, Carly or Doug, whoever you saved in Chapter one, barely appears in Chapter two and Lily kills them anyway. If you abandon Lily, you take the train. If you keep Lily prisoner, she steals the camper and you take the train. If you’ve played through this game, fan, or not a fan, you have to know that deep down, your choices have not changed the story line. The lady in the woods, you either choose to shoot her, or don’t shoot her. If you choose not to, the other guy does anyway. This is pretty much the entire game. The game is on rails, and you cannot stop where it is going, you barely change the HOW you get there.
    The fanboys wonder why the lack of choice making a difference irritates those of us who dislike the game. Well, that’s what the entire advertising campaign was based on. The developers chose “choice matters” as their point of emphasis, and did not produce this element.
    Fanboys that can admit that your choices are inconsequential argue that it’s not about that, it’s about the journey. Or, they argue that the game offers an “Illusion of choice, and that is good enough.”
    I will make a comparison to the game L.A. Noire. In the detective game, the player is very careful at first to not miss clues, and to choose carefully when interviewing suspects and witnesses. Eventually, after a case or two, the player realizes that the game is going to hold his hand, there is no way to screw it up. Eventually, the player trudges through the cases with complete disinterest, just because he waited six months for the game’s release and paid sixty bucks for it.
    The Walking Dead suffers the same ailment. The game is going where it goes. Lee can be a jerk, or an angel, and there is no changing anything. Eventually, I was playing just to see the story unfold, and not even considering my choices.

    Fanboys defend this game rabidly, with stand alone statements and then say nothing to support their point. “This game is great story telling. The game has strong characters. This game is amazing. This game is excellent.
    In what ways? Tell me how this is great story telling. I realize this game is about a world filled with Walkers, so how seriously can you take it, but come on man, where was there such great story lines? I especially get tired of hearing how chapter two was so mind blowing.
    Walking Dead Game: The Dead Eat the Living
    Chapter two:The Living Eat the Living.
    Literally one word is changed to create the “mind blowing story” of chapter two. In a world where the Dead have become reanimated and eating the living, is the living eating the living such a creative leap? This is what guy got paid to come up with for the story, and is now touted as some great story teller?

    The Characters:
    During Chapter 1, I mistakingly believed that each Character was going to exhibit strengths and weaknesses that Lee would need to seriously consider before deciding who to align with, or who to save when the chips are down. It would seem that in Chapter 1, each person had established skill sets. Doug was good with gadgets, Carly was good with a gun. Ken could work on engines, and Ken’s super annoying and boring wife was a vet so had some medical skills.
    I hoped, disappointingly, that these attributes would effect the game. I had hoped that eventually, a scenario would arise and Lee would learn he would have been better off with Doug in his group than Carly, or vice versa.
    Sadly, there was no time in the game that I believed that some other character would have been better suited for any of the situations Lee found himself in. The game is on rails after all, linear, and the only differences are conversations or a brief scene you won’t see if you have Doug instead of Carly.
    Oh, and on a side note…..Carly is a gun toting, hard nosed investigative reporter that can’t figure out that a radio doesn’t have batteries in it? Why didn’t she, I don’t know, investigate a little bit, and see there were no batteries in the radio. Once learning that, she could have Investigated and found batteries, and investigated how to put them in correctly and turn the radio on. She is after all, an investigative reporter, isn’t she? Shouldn’t that be the one task she is good at, investigating?
    Oh, and Carly has a crush on Doug or whatever. I mean, I understand some people are bigger slaves to their genitals than others, but seriously, looking to hook up with someone while Walkers are taking over the world?

    I think that after Chapter 1, the developers listened to an old song, and realized what this game needed was “A little less talk and a lot more action” and added a gun fire sequence. The player shoots from a fixed position by moving a targeting reticle. I had crossbow on Atari 2600 30 years ago and you could do that.
    Later in the game, Lee and Ken are raiding a store for supplies. A woman emerges from a store, being chased by Walkers. Lee faces an option, mercifully shoot the girl as there is no way to save her. Or let her suffer, as her screams will distract the Walkers longer so you can raid the store.
    If you try to shoot all of the Walkers, you eventually begin to hit the Walker that kills her, and find that the Walker is invincible. That’s right. The Walker is invincible and you can’t save the girl.
    I could understand Lee facing 8 Walkers and having only 2 or 3 bullets, and he decides that since he can’t save the girl to put her out of her misery. Just making the Walker invincible is inexcusable, this is not a technique that should be used. Essentially, any OTHER reason that Lee can’t shoot all of the Walkers is fine, but just making one impossible to kill is just lazy.
    Don’t worry though, as Ken and Lee raid the store it really doesn’t matter if you have time to grab 100 boxes of supplies or no boxes. Remember, you actions and choices don’t effect anything.

    I also got tired of the fact that the only opposition was Walkers. Yes, I understand that the Walker is the main bad guy in this game. (Or, the living are more dangerous than the dead, another original idea.)
    Just once though, just once, couldn’t a stray dog have attacked the group? Or how about some other predatory animal that is native to that area, I don’t know, maybe a bear or a wolf or something.
    Oh yeah, I forgot, the Walkers eat everything, so there would be no wild animals left. I’m sure that’s what the fanboys would argue. You know, because a bear or a wolf, that is a predator by design, wouldn’t stand a chance against a Walker. I suppose you know, a bear or a wolf in the woods would be too busy doing bear or wolf stuff to see the Walkers coming, and the Walkers would in fact, sneak up on them, kill them and eat them.

    Speaking of that, Walkers sneaking up on people in this game? How exactly does 160-200 pounds of rotting flesh sneak up on you? You wouldn’t smell it? Furthermore, dead people evacuate their bowels after death, so pretty much every walker would be a couple hundred pounds of rancid, maggot infested meat, walking around with a load in his pants. Oh, and growling or groaning the entire time they slowly shuffle toward you. But somehow, in this game, they continue to take people by surprise.

    Lastly, I was annoyed by how this game continually tries to tug at your heart strings. Lee finds a dead Walker Boy in the attic and buries him in the yard. The burial sequence, meant to sadden the player, is aggravating. Push the button, Lee makes sad face as he shovels, sappy guitar twang is heard. Push the button, Lee makes sad face as he shovels, sappy guitar twang is heard. Push the button, lee
    We get it, we’re supposed to be saddened.
    The fanboys pride themselves, pat themselves on the back because this game touches them, and leaves them near tears. Worse yet, if you don’t find yourself in tears over this game, the Fanboys seem to think there is something wrong with you.
    I don’t personally know anyone that has had such an easy life that they are going to get all worked up over characters in a video game.

    After everything is said and done, I paid $20 for this game, and though I don’t feel I was ripped off or anything, i wouldn’t have paid more for it. I found it hard to believe this was considered GOTY and I certainly wouldn’t have paid $60 for it. I certainly won’t buy a sequel if they make one. Or more accurately, I’d have to see a lot of hard evidence that this game improved greatly in a sequel. Sadly, I believe that the internet game sites and the critics are so blinded by their love for the comic books and the television show, that they probably wouldn’t give a sequel an honest review. Although, the fact that WD Survival Instinct is already considered a bomb may be a hint of hope that people are starting to realize that just slapping the name Walking Dead on something doesn’t make it good.
    That is in a sense, my main problem with the Walking Dead Game. I truly believe that if it did not carry the name of the comic book and the television series that people love so much, this game would not have received so much acclaim and would not have sold so many copies. If this game had just been some zombie game with a generic title, it probably would have been viewed for what it is, a cheaply made game that is tolerable at best.

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