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Exploring FastEdge – Understanding Its Functionality and Operation


Data is the building brick of the modern world and the lifeblood of business, regardless of its type. The world’s operability and functioning are dependent on huge volumes of data exchanged between the end-users and the speed of its procession. 

A growing amount of data has increased the demand for data processing tools and speed and resulted in the invention of edge computing, FastEdge specifically, which helps businesses handle the data load and transform it for further use. Let’s explore its characteristics and functions. 

What Is Edge Computing?

The term ‘edge computing’ refers to decentralized data management. 

A traditional form of data acquisition and analysis is based on sending data and requests to the main data center and getting a response back to the end-user. However, the increasing flow of data lowers the bandwidth and latency capabilities of a central data center, which results in a lower speed of query processing, and thus, a rather disruptive functioning of businesses. 

Instead, there is a new trend in data management – relocation of data centers to the places where data is actually generated. The raw data is processed and analyzed locally, presenting instant results, which benefits the quality and speed of any time-sensitive industry from healthcare to manufacturing to transportation.

What Is FastEdge Computing?

FastEdge is the ultimate generation of edge computing, which was developed by Gcore, a global leader in promoting exceptional serverless services, AI, and security for businesses around the world. 

FastEdge is introduced with the help of Gcore’s CDN (content delivery network), which distributes custom code across 160 edge nodes worldwide. Such an extension of the code network provides a high-speed performance of every business and its near-instant interaction with the customers. 

The Main Characteristics of FastEdge Computing

FastEdge is a highly efficient solution, whose architecture is built on three pillars WebAssembly runtime environment, serverless computing, and Gcore Edge network, each one incorporating its best features. 

WebAssembly Runtime Environment

WebAssembly (Wasm) is the core of FastEdge. 

Wasm is a binary instruction format, which allows the creation and deployment of the code in a client-side environment. It is the best choice for highly demanding applications related to CAD, video editing, gaming, streaming, etc. 

The main advantages are the following:

  • Low cold start – cold start disrupts the functioning of time-sensitive applications, causing inconsistent performance, poor user experience, and increased resource usage. FastEdge handles this challenge, lowering the cold start to 0.5 ms, which is a near-instant response time. 
  • Language flexibility – FastEdge is friendly for JavaScript and Rust, with Go being added soon. 
  • Sandbox environment – though offering a shared environment, FastEdge ensures the integrity and safety of each component within its multitenant architecture. Therefore, in case of unsafe code execution, the rest of the network of resources will not be affected. 
  • Performance – FastEdge provides a native-like interaction speed, promoting a highly efficient edge environment. 

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is rather a staple in a digital environment. It creates a new layer of IT ‘comfort’, as companies, once there is a need for extension, ‘rent’ more cloud space and amount of bandwidth. Basically, it follows the ‘pay-as-you-use it’ pricing model. 

The main advantages are the following:

  • Fast development and deployment – FastEdge allows global deployment of code, regardless of developers’ location. 
  • No server maintenance – FastEdge serverless environments allow developers to focus only on application development, taking care of all the technicalities. In simple terms, FastEdge allows more freedom for the front end, focusing on the back end. 
  •  Pricing flexibility – FastEdge is a price-efficient solution, as businesses pay specifically for the resources they use. Such a demand-based approach creates unlimited opportunities for scaling business infrastructure and extending its market influence. 

Right now, FastEdge can be used for free as it is still in beta version. 

Global Edge Network

FastEdge is developed on a Gcore Edge coverage, taking advantage of its sprawling infrastructure and accessibility of resources. 

The main advantages are the following:

  • Cloud-based scalability – FastEdge-based infrastructure can be scaled up and down according to business demands, allowing businesses to navigate efficiently through highly changeable market needs. 
  • Minimized latency – as Gcore is a global network of servers, it reduces the latency periods, making the deployment as responsive as possible, and thus, stimulating the productivity of business functioning. 

FastEdge is a new milestone in edge technologies, as its architecture is built on three innovative solutions – Wasm, serverless computing, and Gcore Edge network. While each of them is a self-sufficient tool for enhancing digital performance, their ‘united efficiency’ makes up an ultimate form of edge computing – FastEdge. 

The Final Thoughts

An increasing need for change in data processing motivated Gcore, a global content delivery network, to deliver an advanced form of edge computing – FastEdge, which may be a game-changer in the way businesses handle data processing and computing on the whole. 

FastEdge is a powerful tool that improves the functioning of computing technologies, and streamlines interaction between developers and users. It provides instant responsiveness of IT systems, elevating their speed and efficiency, and thus, benefiting tech productivity. 

FastEdge’s beneficial nature will keep growing and extend new limits of perfection and productivity, thus, don’t miss a chance to maximize your business’s output, while it is still in beta form and free of cost.