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Spring Cleaning: How to Prepare Your Yard for the Season

blue and brown wooden house near green trees during daytime

There is no better time to clean your yard than spring. After several months of staying indoors during winter, cleaning and preparing your yard for the warmer season using industrial trash bags might just be the therapy you need.

However, wrong cleaning techniques could make this appealing activity a long and tedious chore. Nobody wants that! That is why we will share a few tips in this article to prepare your yard for spring.

1. Prepare Your Equipment

You must prepare every tool you need to clean your yard. If you intend to use a lawn mower or other gas-powered equipment, ensure you service the carburetors and motors beforehand. Also, replace old oil and gas with fresh ones.

Charge battery-powered tools or get new batteries if the old ones are dead. Sharpen and lubricate the blades of your lawn mower, garden shovels, and other hand tools you might need.

2. Clean up the Debris

If you want to tidy your yard, the first thing to do is clear out the debris. Get your rubber gloves, a rake, a scoop, and as many trash bags as you need. Use them to pack up all the leaves and twigs lying around and dispose of them.

3. Prune Shrubs and Trees

Pruning your trees and shrubs will make them look more appealing and healthier. Pick up your pruning saw or shears and trim all damaged or dead branches.

4. Divide and Move Your Perennials

Perennials don’t usually require much care. But sometimes, they outgrow their space and must be divided and moved. This will help you choose which ones to donate or relocate to other areas of your garden.

Dividing and moving prevent your perennials from being overcrowded. This allows you to grow healthy perennials that add to the appeal of your area.

5. Weed and Pest Control

When preparing your yard, you must plan for weed removal and control. Pulling weeds before they sprout is easier than constantly trying to get rid of them when they are fully grown. Use pre-emergent herbicides to eliminate new baby weeds that could cause damage later.

You also have to consider pest control. Some pests carry diseases that could harm your health. Consider spraying insecticides to eliminate these pests before they become an infestation.

6. Fertilize Your Soil

Spring is a great time to fertilize your soil if you plan to grow more flowers and vegetables. Fertilization helps your trees, shrubs, and other plants grow healthy. For the best results, use more compost than chemical fertilizers.

7. Check the Irrigation System

Your plants need to stay hydrated to survive. So, confirm that your irrigation system is fully functional and has the correct settings so you don’t drown your plants or waste water.

8. Fill in the Blanks

Bare areas in your yard reduce its appeal. You can fill them up by spreading sod or grass seeds. But first, you need to loosen the soil first with a rake. You can only get a full and healthy yard if you give these seeds good soil contact—loosening the soil is the best way to achieve this.