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Is Magento the Only E-commerce Website Development Platform?

Just a few clicks – and you are online; another few clicks – and you are shopping; a few clicks more – and the shopping is done, the cart is empty, and you are expecting the delivery. 

E-commerce has brought shopping closer to every individual with Internet access, offering better choices of goods and less time-consuming shopping routines. Such quick business-customer accessibility turned shopping into a pleasant stay-at-home journey, at the same time, bringing businesses significant profits. 

The idea of joining a perfectly settled online shopping world is pretty alluring, creating one major question – how to create an E-store, with seamless functionality, user-friendly design, and unlimited opportunities for extension. The list of requirements can be addressed with one tool – an E-commerce platform. 

What is an E-commerce platform?

An E-commerce platform is a type of software that enables commercial interactions over the Internet. An E-commerce store looks like a regular website with product listings, yet, its major difference is the ability to process the transactions. It allows the customers to browse the products, add them to the cart, and purchase them in any convenient way. Thus, an E-commerce platform is a website that features all the necessary checkpoints to allow customers to go through the sales funnel smoothly and intuitively. 

The search for an E-commerce platform usually starts with online articles, forums like Quora or Reddit, and reviews. The majority of mentions will get Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento integration and surely, every user will claim each one as pure perfection. 

While all the E-commerce platforms serve the same purpose, they function differently. 

Types of E-commerce platforms

1. SaaS  (Software-as-a-Service)

SaaS is a good starter for small businesses with limited financial opportunities. 

SaaS is referred to when E-commerce services and solutions are delivered through the Internet. The businesses are offered already-created store infrastructure and an opportunity to adjust the color and design pattern, as well as integrate other extensions. 

The most popular SaaS platforms are Shopify and BigCommerce. They allow for the launch of an E-commerce store within a few hours or days. The clients are offered a few business plans, which typically differ in the level of customization, fees, items of products to add, etc. 

Saas is a perfect choice for small businesses that just started their way onto online commerce. It allows commercial startups to immerse themselves in the market atmosphere, understand all the underlying issues it may have, discover if the development strategy meets the demand of a target audience, and simply, let them understand if it is the right occupation. 

The benefits of SaaS E-commerce platforms:

  • Quick setup – businesses can begin trading immediately after purchasing a business plan. 
  • Cost efficiency – businesses are only involved in commercial interactions, having no worries over technical requirements, backed by SaaS providers. 
  • Scalability and integrations – depending on the business plans it is possible to integrate with various third-party apps, which elevate the efficiency of the user’s shopping journey. 
  • Top-level security, thus, all the data regarding E-store functioning is under protection. 

Considering such characteristics, SaaS seems to be the ultimate tool to use while establishing an E-store. Yet, it is not always the case. 

While growing the number of loyal clients, and increasing the level of sales, businesses may feel the need for more individual touches, creative design, specific effects, and tools to implement. Yet, it is rarely possible with SaaS, with its predetermined set of tools. 

2. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)

PaaS is a leap in development for E-commerce stores. Practically, it is an application development platform that integrates languages, frameworks, and services for developers to build, deploy, and update websites. 

PaaS platforms provide hardware, while developers create a personalized store, which helps to establish a unique digital presence. Magento is one of the leading platforms of its kind, and the first-to-consider option for development teams.

The benefits of PaaS E-commerce platforms:

  • Decent tech foundation, with unlimited scalable opportunities. 
  • Unlimited usage of cutting-edge SEO tools
  • Custom integrations and add-ons for enhanced functionality. 
  • Advanced ai solutions for marketing for attracting the target audience. 
  • Timely reports and insights into performance, etc. 

Magento is a free open-source platform, thus, everything is adjusted according to the specific vision of clients. 

The Final Thoughts

Magento isn’t the only E-commerce website development platform, as there are quite a few decent options to choose from; it is the businesses’ long-term planning that is decisive. 

If a business can settle for being one-of-many online stores, the SaaS can be a suitable option, as the business plan fits any budget and makes the whole commerce possible. 

However, for those with a long-term vision of brand development, PaaS platforms like Magento should be the first consideration. Its unlimited opportunities for development and customization will allow businesses to create a unique digital presence, and create a distinctive long story of commercial success. 

While both SaaS and PaaS are workable solutions, you are the one to choose the quality of your commercial digital image.