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Lebanon: A Must-Visit Destination for Every Travel Enthusiast

aerial view of city near body of water during daytime

Lebanon is a country that provides far more than you can ever dream of. The nation’s cuisine and travel culture draw a lot of tourists. You can have a memorable experience of visiting the country in complete safety though only a few tourists visit it. The culinary traditions of Lebanon are unparalleled, offering an opulent array of distinct and enticing cuisines.

Lebanon has significantly less travel infrastructure than other well-known Middle Eastern tourism destinations like the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. There are numerous things you can do in Lebanon. All you need to do is to book your flight tickets earlier. With the Middle East Airline UAE, you can find the lowest fares online for flights to Beirut from Dubai or Abu Dhabi.

Visit Baalbek to explore the Roman ruins

The Roman ruins of Baalbek city, which were once known as Heliopolis, are worth a visit to delve deep into the history. Baalbek is home to one of the biggest and best-preserved Roman temples. You will have a sense of travelling back to olden times when exploring the Roman remains here.

Standing as an unbreakable representation of Roman majesty, these monolithic marvels have captivated the attention of archaeologists and academics alike, as well as drawn innumerable inquisitive minds to explore their mysterious past.

Enjoy visiting the charming city of Beirut 

Any traveller to Lebanon should visit these cities. It should go without saying that you’ll probably fly into Beirut, but assuming it didn’t, you’d be crazy to miss this stunning example of Mediterranean architecture. The best place to experience Lebanon’s unique blend of East and West is at this busy port.

Vibrantly different styles and cultures coexist on the sidewalks, and despite Beirut’s commercial activity, its people are incredibly amiable and willing to lend a hand. Byblos, an ancient fishing town, lies about 30 kilometres north, where things settle down a bit.

With several historical sites that chronicle over 9,000 years of human occupancy, the area is a visual feast for the senses, with both new and old buildings plunging into the sea. Inland, the Phoenician city of Baalbek presents another historical gem: a colossal, 2000-year-old Roman temple dedicated to Juno that remains intact to this day.

It’s also a culinary trip

If you’re a foodie, Lebanon must be on your travel list. Lebanese cuisine is reputed and the best in the Middle East. Experts in the classic dishes, you should seize the opportunity to sample authentic falafel, dolma, hummus, and tabbouleh. Of course, it’s much more timeless pieces. Look for manoushe, a flatbread that’s typically consumed for breakfast, or ka’ak, a steaming bread that tastes best when eaten hot from a local vendor’s oven.

Typical recipes include stuffed zucchini or courgettes, and for those who want meat, kafta dumplings and spice-infused meatballs are a necessity. Pay attention to these spices; you won’t find za’atar mixed this finely throughout the west. Not to mention this place is a seaside nation, so seafood abounds in Beirut and Byblos. Try the delicious samke harra, which is an entire haddock topped with peppers, lemon, and fresh herbs, or Lebanon’s version of calamari.

 With middle east airlines UAE offers flights to Beirut at affordable rates. So it is very easy to reach Lebanon. So, fly to this destination and explore this calm place. Some of the reasons to fly on this airline is that it offers a new-generation quiet flight. You can travel in calmness to any destination. You can book a round trip or one-day trip from any of the destinations such as Asia, Europe and Africa.