Thunder God’s Height: Measuring Thor’s Size in God of War Ragnarok

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The gaming world was awe-struck when the highly anticipated game, God of War: Ragnarok, finally launched in 2022. One character who made a big (literally) impression was none other than Thor, the God of Thunder. Many players found themselves asking the question, “Just how tall is Thor in God of War: Ragnarok?”

Thor: A Brief Introduction Before we delve into the dimensions of this impressive character, let’s take a moment to understand who Thor is. Known as the Aesir God of Thunder, Lightning, Storms, and Strength in Norse mythology, Thor’s character in God of War: Ragnarok is a far cry from his protective and benevolent portrayal in traditional Norse mythology. In fact, the game paints Thor as a fearsome and brutal figure, feared throughout the Nine Realms for his savagery.

Chris Hemsworth portrayed the Thunder god in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But what about the height in the norse god in the God of War game?

Thor’s Height: The Big Reveal

While the video game doesn’t explicitly state Thor’s character model height, various sources have provided estimates. According to Thor’s voice actor, Ryan Hurst, the God of Thunder stands just over seven feet tall. This estimation is supported by a visual comparison between Thor and Kratos, the protagonist of the game, who stands at 6 feet 4 inches. As such, it’s safe to say that Thor is at least a foot taller than Kratos.

The Size Comparison: Thor vs. Kratos

Kratos, the former Greek God of War, is no small character himself, standing at an already impressive 6 feet 4 inches, or 1.93 meters. This height was confirmed by Santa Monica Studio’s Axel Grossman in a technical breakdown video. However, Kratos’ height was reduced from his original 7’6″ in the pre-2018 God of War games to more accurately reflect the height of his voice actor, Christopher Judge, who stands at 6’3″.

It’s interesting to note that even with this reduction in height, Kratos is still significantly shorter than Thor in God of War: Ragnarok. This height difference adds to Thor’s imposing presence and further emphasizes the daunting challenge that Kratos faces.

Thor vs. Other Characters

In comparison to other characters in the video game, Thor truly stands out. For instance, Atreus, Kratos’ son, is roughly 5’7″ tall, making him seem almost dwarf-like when compared to Thor.

Thor: Beyond His Height

While Thor’s towering stature is certainly a notable aspect of his character, it’s not the only thing that sets him apart. Thor’s overall build, including his broad shoulders and massive frame, contributes to his intimidating presence in the game.

The Tallest Being in God of War

It’s worth mentioning that despite Thor’s impressive height, he is not the tallest being in the God of War series. That title goes to Thamur, a Jotnar (giant) from Jotunheim who can assume any size they wish.

Thor’s Height: A Popular Topic

The question of “how tall is Thor in God of War: Ragnarok” has sparked numerous discussions among fans and gamers alike. Some of this interest may be attributed to the fascination with comparing the size of fictional characters and their real-world counterparts. In Thor’s case, his towering height only adds to his larger-than-life persona in the game.

Game Review: God of War Ragnarok

In conclusion, God of War Ragnarok has lived up to its hype, delivering a compelling narrative, stunning visuals, and memorable characters. The character of Thor, with his towering height and imposing presence, only adds to the game’s appeal, providing players with a formidable and unforgettable adversary.

Parting Thoughts

The characters’ heights in God of War: Ragnarok, especially Thor’s, add another layer of realism and immersion to this epic game. So, the next time you step into the shoes of Kratos, take a moment to appreciate the towering figure of Thor, and remember, size isn’t everything, even in the world of gods and warriors.

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