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Do’s and Don’ts of Balancing Your Time in College

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Your college years can be some of the best years of your life, but they can also be some of the most challenging. Many things require your time and energy, whether it’s work, extracurricular activities, or your academics. Because of how easy it is to run out of time while you are in school, it’s important to be able to make the most of what you have. Following a few do’s and don’ts will help you balance your life.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help

You can’t do it all on your own, and you shouldn’t try to do so. Becoming an adult means you need to know how to do things by yourself and become more independent. You need to be able to tell when you need extra help and support along the way. Taking advantage of the resources at your fingertips can help you get through school successfully. Don’t be afraid to ask for support instead of waiting for someone to offer it to you. Many students need to take out financial assistance to pay for their education, and it can be hard to qualify for one on your own. Many new students don’t have the credit they need to apply for a loan by themselves. With a cosigner, you can often get lower interest rates. But there are a few things you should know before asking for this type of help, and you can review what you need to know.

Do Create Goals for Your Time in School

Before starting anything, including your college education, it pays to know what you hope to get out of it. You can create short and long term goals, like getting your assignments done ahead of schedule or getting A’s in three out of four classes. However, it’s important to have goals for every part of your life, not just your education. You might make a goal to befriend someone who doesn’t have many friends, or you may set a goal of taking part in an extracurricular activity that interests you.

Don’t Overcommit

While it’s helpful to have goals, you shouldn’t overcommit or take on too many things at once. Your goals should be realistic enough that you have some chance of attaining them. If you take on too much at once, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment and unnecessary stress when you try to reach them. Creating goals can help you grow as a person, but only if you are able to hit those. Consider setting two or three main goals for the semester and a couple of smaller ones to hit each week.

Do Prioritize Your Goals

Prioritize the most important goals you have set by taking care of the most important things first. Academics should come first so you are able to graduate on time. You may then decide to learn clever food hacks so you can cook for yourself or ensure you are involved and making new friends. Take some time to evaluate priorities each week so you can figure out what things you most need to focus on.