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Resetting Pokemon X: Everything You Need to Know

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As a Pokemon player, I understand how important it is to have a fresh start in the game. Whether you’re looking to change your starter Pokemon, play in a different language, or even obtain a shiny Pokemon, resetting your Pokemon X game is the way to go. In this article, I will guide you through the steps on how to reset your Pokemon X game on Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS, as well as provide tips and tricks for starting over in the game.

Why should you reset Pokemon X?

There are several reasons why you might want to reset your Pokemon X game. Perhaps you want to start over with a different starter Pokemon, or you want to play the game in a different language. Maybe you’re looking to challenge yourself by playing the game with a self-imposed challenge, such as a Nuzlocke run. Whatever your reason may be, resetting your game is the way to go.

How to reset Pokemon X on Nintendo 3DS

Resetting Pokemon X on Nintendo 3DS is a simple process that involves a few button presses. First, make sure your game is saved, and then follow these steps:

  1. Power off your Nintendo 3DS
  2. Hold down the “Up” and “B” buttons on the D-pad
  3. While still holding those buttons, press the power button to turn on your 3DS
  4. Continue holding the “Up” and “B” buttons until the screen prompts you to delete all saved data
  5. Follow the prompts to delete your saved data

After you’ve completed these steps, your Pokemon X game will be reset, and you’ll be able to start over from the beginning.

How to reset Pokemon X on Nintendo 2DS

Resetting Pokemon X on Nintendo 2DS is similar to the process for Nintendo 3DS. The steps are as follows:

  1. Power off your Nintendo 2DS
  2. Hold down the “Up” and “B” buttons on the D-pad
  3. While still holding those buttons, press the power button to turn on your 2DS
  4. Continue holding the “Up” and “B” buttons until the screen prompts you to delete all saved data
  5. Follow the prompts to delete your saved data

Once you’ve followed these steps, your Pokemon X game will be reset, and you can start over from the beginning.

Resetting Pokemon X for a different language

If you want to play Pokemon X in a different language, you’ll need to reset your game. Follow the steps outlined above for your respective console. When you start a new game, you’ll be prompted to select your language.

Resetting the game for a different starter Pokemon

If you’re not happy with your current starter Pokemon and want to start over with a different one, you’ll need to reset your game. Follow the steps outlined above for your respective console. When you start a new game, you’ll be prompted to choose your starter Pokemon again.

How to reset Pokemon X for a shiny Pokemon

If you’re looking to obtain a shiny Pokemon, resetting your game is a good way to increase your odds. Follow the steps outlined above for your respective console. Once you’ve started a new game, you can begin hunting for your shiny Pokemon. Keep in mind that obtaining a shiny Pokemon is still a rare occurrence, so it may take some time and patience.

Common mistakes to avoid when resetting Pokemon X

When resetting your Pokemon X game, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. First, make sure you have saved your progress before attempting to reset the game. Also, be sure to follow the correct button presses for your respective console. Finally, be aware that resetting your game will delete all saved data, so make sure you’re ready to start over before doing so.

Tips for starting over in Pokemon X

Starting over in Pokemon X can be a fun and exciting experience. Here are a few tips to make the most out of your new game:

  1. Choose a different starter Pokemon than your previous game to mix things up
  2. Try a Nuzlocke challenge to make the game more challenging
  3. Take your time and explore different areas to find new Pokemon and items
  4. Use this opportunity to try out new strategies and battle techniques
  5. Take advantage of online features to trade and battle with other players


Resetting your Pokemon X game is a simple process that can provide you with a fresh start and new opportunities. Whether you’re looking to change your starter Pokemon, play in a different language, or obtain a shiny Pokemon, following the steps outlined in this article will help you achieve your goals. Remember to avoid common mistakes, take advantage of online features, and have fun exploring the world of Pokemon X.