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Unleashing the Mystery: How to Add Spoiler in Facebook Messenger with Ease

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As someone who loves a good plot twist, I understand the importance of spoilers. But not everyone wants to know what happens next, and that’s where the art of adding spoilers comes in. In this article, we will discuss what spoilers are, why they are important in Facebook Messenger, and how to add them with ease. We will also explore spoiler alternatives, creative ways to use spoilers, examples of spoilers in Facebook Messenger conversations, best practices for using spoilers, and troubleshooting common issues.

What is a spoiler?

A spoiler is a piece of information that reveals a crucial plot point or ending of a book, movie, or TV show. Spoilers can ruin the experience of discovering the story for the first time, and that’s why they are a controversial topic. Some people love spoilers, while others can’t stand them. In Facebook Messenger, a spoiler is a way to hide text that contains a spoiler in a conversation, so the recipient has the option to reveal the text or not.

Why use spoilers in Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is a popular messaging app used by millions of people worldwide. It’s a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but it’s also a platform for discussing books, movies, and TV shows. Spoilers are important in Facebook Messenger because they allow people to talk about their favorite stories without ruining the experience for others. By adding a spoiler in Facebook Messenger, you can ensure that the recipient has the option to read the spoiler or not.

How to add spoilers in Facebook Messenger

Adding a spoiler in Facebook Messenger is a simple process. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your device.
  2. Start a conversation with the person you want to send a spoiler to.
  3. Type the text that contains the spoiler.
  4. Select the text that contains the spoiler.
  5. Tap and hold the selected text until the formatting options appear.
  6. Tap the “More” button (three dots).
  7. Tap the “Spoiler” option.
  8. The selected text will now be hidden, and the recipient will have to tap on it to reveal the spoiler.

Step-by-step guide to adding a spoiler

Let’s dive deeper into the step-by-step process of adding a spoiler in Facebook Messenger:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your device.
  2. Start a conversation with the person you want to send a spoiler to.
  3. Type the text that contains the spoiler.
  4. Select the text that contains the spoiler.
  5. Tap and hold the selected text until the formatting options appear.
  6. Tap the “More” button (three dots).
  7. Tap the “Spoiler” option.
  8. The selected text will now be hidden, and the recipient will have to tap on it to reveal the spoiler.

Spoiler alternatives in Facebook Messenger

While spoilers are a great way to hide text, there are other ways to share sensitive information in Facebook Messenger. Here are some spoiler alternatives:

  • Use code words or symbols to represent spoilers. For example, you could use “SPOILER ALERT” or a skull emoji to indicate that the following text contains spoilers.
  • Send a private message instead of posting in a group chat. This way, you can discuss spoilers without revealing them to people who haven’t seen the movie or TV show yet.
  • Use the “Unsend” feature to delete a message that contains a spoiler. This feature allows you to delete a message within 10 minutes of sending it.

Creative ways to use spoilers

Spoilers are not just for movies and TV shows. Here are some creative ways to use spoilers in Facebook Messenger:

  • Use spoilers to hide gift ideas or surprise party plans.
  • Use spoilers to tease a big announcement or reveal.
  • Use spoilers to reveal a secret message or code.

Examples of spoilers in Facebook Messenger conversations

Here are some examples of how spoilers can be used in Facebook Messenger conversations:

  • “Did you see the latest episode of The Mandalorian? The ending was insane! [spoiler alert] Baby Yoda is actually [spoiler]!”
  • “I have a surprise for you [spoiler alert]! Check your doorstep tomorrow morning!”
  • “I can’t wait to tell you about my trip to Paris [spoiler alert]! I met someone special [spoiler]!”

Best practices for using spoilers in Facebook Messenger

While spoilers are a great way to share information without ruining the experience for others, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use spoilers sparingly. Not everyone wants to know what happens next.
  • Always indicate that the following text contains spoilers.
  • Avoid spoiling the ending of a story. Instead, focus on smaller plot points.
  • Respect other people’s wishes. If someone doesn’t want to know what happens next, don’t spoil it for them.

Troubleshooting common issues with spoilers

If you’re having trouble adding a spoiler in Facebook Messenger, here are some common issues and how to fix them:

  • The spoiler option is not available. Make sure you have the latest version of Facebook Messenger installed on your device.
  • The spoiler is not working. Make sure you have selected the text that contains the spoiler and tapped on the “Spoiler” option.
  • The recipient can see the spoiler without tapping on it. Make sure you have selected the text that contains the spoiler and tapped on the “Spoiler” option.


Adding spoilers in Facebook Messenger is a great way to share information without ruining the experience for others. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add spoilers in your conversations. Remember to use spoilers sparingly, indicate that the following text contains spoilers, and respect other people’s wishes. Happy chatting!

Start using spoilers in your Facebook Messenger conversations today!