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A beginner’s guide to implementing SASE security architecture in your business

What is SASE?

SASE stands for Secure Access Service Edge is a holistic approach to cybersecurity including several security methods. SASE architecture is a cloud-based platform that combines network and security technologies under one roof. In this way, businesses can utilize their network capacity and provide a secure environment for their workforce. Benefitting from SASE adds extra value to the business’s reputation. Businesses should implement SASE solutions to meet modern cybersecurity requirements. There are plenty of security methods that promise network security but SASE stands out for many reasons.

SASE differs from other cybersecurity solutions because it pays attention to each component of a business structure at the same level. There is no substitution for SASE in businesses so SASE seems to protect its place in terms of cybersecurity for a while.

Main Pillars of SASE Solution

1. Zero Trust Architecture

We can not think of SASE without Zero Trust implementation. Zero Trust is an effective way to protect the business network from both inside and outside threats. The main idea of Zero Trust is never trusting, always verifying. This approach mitigates the risk of privileges and offers an amazing authentication and monitoring opportunity to business managers.

Although IT managers control and monitor credentials, log-in behaviors, and access authorizations; they can not offer comprehensive protection regarding access security. Especially in large-sized businesses with many employees from different locations, IT managers can’t control all user activities. However, Zero Trust implementation can meet the necessities of these businesses by giving them the opportunity for total access control and security.

In Zero Trust implementation, users take adequate authorization to access company resources. They should have access and authority to run their work. On the other hand, they can not access specific resources if these resources are irrelevant to their job definitions. Here, managers can avoid over-access vulnerable resources and narrow their attack surfaces.

2. Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

As you can infer from the name, a cloud access security broker considers cloud security.  It is one of the vital components of SASE. Cloud-based environments are the new reality of business life and they do not seem to go anywhere. The migration to the cloud systems became more popular after remote work gained popularity because cloud-based systems are the most suitable systems for remote working. However, it has some shortcomings regarding cybersecurity. The data is kept in third-party vendors in these systems so it is hard to control and monitor cloud systems.

It is vital to lessen data breach percentages because data breaches are crucial both for finances and reputation. It is reported that the cost per data breach was 4.35 million USD globally in 2022. So while it is perceived as a burden for many end users due to causing them a slowdown, it is an incredible way to secure access weaknesses and prevent costs rooted in data breaches. CASB manages access requests. In this way, it protects company data from unauthorized access and mitigates the risk of data breaches.

3. Secure Web Gateway (SWG)

Secure Web Gateway is another component of SASE by enabling businesses to keep connection safe between the end-user and the Internet. A secure Web Gateway can be considered as a tunnel that creates a secure pathway that prevents harmful data traffic between the user and the Internet. By using SWG, you can protect employee devices from malicious attacks or getting harmed in any way. Furthermore, phishing attacks can be prevented because SWG controls malicious and suspicious links.

Primary Benefits of SASE in Businesses

1. Cost-saving

Since cybersecurity solutions became expensive more than ever, businesses started to look for affordable cybersecurity solutions or services. Implementing different methods means spending more money on all these methods or products. On the other hand, SASE offers comprehensive and effective cybersecurity solutions without the need of purchasing several services or products. Because SASE includes different solutions under its umbrella, companies do not need to invest in expensive legacy cybersecurity methods anymore.

2. Simple Use and Easy to Adopt

Some cybersecurity methods can be complex and bear hard for companies to adopt. However, the SASE solution is one of the simple methods that companies can adopt and start to ensure their SaaS security, remote access, threat prevention, and other benefits that are explained on NordLayer more elaborately.

3. Secure Data

Keeping company data safe is the prior challenge for businesses. There are professional SASE services including Data Loss Protection (DLP) policies that help companies to protect their vulnerable data against malicious attacks or data breaches. Furthermore, the Zero Trust implementation that is included in SASE is one of the most important steps toward data safety.  When companies handle access security weak points, they can protect their data at an optimal level.

Protecting company data can accelerate business quality, productivity, income, and reputation. Since data security is the main pillar of a cyber-healthy business network, companies must benefit from the data protection opportunities that SASE implementation offers.

In Conclusion

SASE, with a great range of cybersecurity solutions that it offers, seems like a new era in the cybersecurity world. It is highly recommendable to businesses because SASE promises data safety, network security, and access control which are the main concerns of modern businesses today. We can see that adopting SASE in your business can facilitate your digital transformation without compromising your business cybersecurity.