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How to Prevent Fungal Infections from Spreading

It’s no secret that fungal infections can be a pain to deal with. Athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm and other common fungal afflictions can prove uncomfortable, inconvenient and, perhaps most importantly, contagious. So, if you regularly find yourself contending with any of these conditions, you’ll need to take measures to ensure that they aren’t spread to others. Fortunately, preventing the spread of fungal infections is easier than you may think – especially if you happen to be equipped with the following tips.

Don’t Share Personal Items

The sharing of clothing, towels and other personal items is among the most common ways fungal infections are spread. So, if you’ve gotten into the habit of sharing any of these things with friends, family members or romantic partners, you’d do well to rethink this policy. Regardless of how comfortable you are around someone or how well you know them, sharing certain items is likely to result in the formation and spread of various fungal infections. If you or someone with whom you share personal items are regularly contending with fungal infections, there’s a good chance this behavior is to blame.

Don’t Neglect Personal Hygiene

Poor hygiene is often conducive to the formation and spread of fungal infections, particularly when it comes to bathing. Given how large a role sweat buildup plays in certain types of fungal infections, it’s in your best interest to bathe on a daily basis – especially if you regularly work out or engage in other sweat-inducing activities.

You should also avoid wearing damp or sweaty clothes for extended periods. This means promptly changing out of sweat-drenched clothing and showering as soon as possible after completing a workout or physically strenuous activity. Furthermore, when showering, pay special attention to the areas of your body that are most prone to fungal infections. Upon the completion of your shower, take care to thoroughly dry yourself, as moisture is a major contributor to fungal infections.

Cover Infected Feet

When contending with athlete’s foot, it’s strongly recommended that you keep your feet covered, especially if you cohabitate with roommates or a partner. The more surfaces to which your bare feet are exposed, the stronger the likelihood of the infection spreading. So, until such time as your feet are completely free of fungus, make sure to wear socks around your residence – outside of the shower, of course.

Furthermore, although many of us find it comfortable to sleep barefoot, this is ill-advised for foot fungus sufferers who share their bed with a partner. After all, if your infected feet are constantly rubbing up against your partner’s throughout the night, your chances of spreading the infection are fairly high. So, in addition to wearing socks to bed, make sure to outfit your bed with antimicrobial bed sheets.

Promptly Treat Existing Infections

While there’s no denying that fungal infections can be cumbersome and inconvenient, they’re generally fairly easy to treat. For example, almost any pharmacy you walk into will have a plethora of creams, gels, ointments, sprays and powders designed to eradicate fungal infections. In addition to being highly effective, these over-the-counter cures are affordable on virtually any budget. Furthermore, applying these medications shouldn’t take more than a few minutes out of your day.

So, the next time you come down with a fungal infection, make a point of treating it posthaste. As is the case with other afflictions, prompt treatment is often conducive to prompt eradication. Conversely, the longer you allow a fungal infection to go untreated, the more likely it is to spread – both to other parts of your body and to other people.

Although OTC cures have a high rate of success, this isn’t to say that they’re effective 100% of the time. So, if you develop a fungal infection that’s unresponsive to said cures, get in touch with your physician and/or a knowledgeable dermatologist.

Contending with a fungal infection is far from an enjoyable experience. Although many common fungal infections are regarded as low-level afflictions, it’s important to remember that they typically won’t go away on their own. As such, prompt treatment of existing infections and preventative measures against future infections are essential for anyone looking to stay fungus-free for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, if you’re determined to prevent the spread of fungal infections, the advice outlined above can do you a world of good.