What Types of Pain Can CBD Address?

3 min

From its earliest recorded use in 4000BCE, marijuana has been used to treat pain throughout history. Despite this, legislative bans against the herb’s psychoactive compound, THC, have made it hard for researchers to explore its use and potential benefits. Fortunately, the ancient herb is finally gaining the recognition it deserves, largely thanks to the rise of CBD.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is an up-and-coming compound popular for numerous wellness benefits. To separate the wheat from the chaff, this article uses up-to-date research to help you understand CBD’s potential relationship with pain symptoms. In doing so, we’ll explore the compound and consider how it may impact some common discomforts.

What different pain symptoms can CBD address?

Arthritic pain symptoms

Arthritis is a common inflammatory condition that can lead to tenderness, stiffness, and swelling around joints in the hips, knees, and hands. Due to the wear and tear of the joint tissues or overworked muscles attempting to protect these damaged joints, arthritic pain, or ‘arthralgia,’ is a common symptom.

Due to the potential anti-inflammatory effects of the extract, CBD may help to appease some of the painful and inflamed symptoms associated with some joint issues. A recent poll by The Arthritis Foundation revealed that from the 80% of sufferers who’ve experimented with CBD, 67% reported an improvement in self-perceived functionality.

Neurogenic pain symptoms

Neurogenic pain is pain that is generated by a nerve. It typically arises from damage to your central or peripheral nervous system, and it’s one of the most difficult pains to treat.

According to the 2007 study published in the ​​Neurology journal on individuals experiencing pain associated with HIV, the compound may be effective in relieving neuropathic pain. In the trial, more than half of the participants reported a pain reduction of 30% after consuming CBD medically. Cannabidiol also improved participants’ sleep quality when the pain was more intense for some. Whatsmore, scientists suggested that the CBD-infused solution featured fewer negative side effects than the pharmacological drugs currently used to tackle neurogenic pain.

Headache or migraine symptoms

Headaches and migraines are psychogenic pain caused by environmental, emotional, or behavioral factors. Their severity can range from temporary bouts of acute pain to longer, more chronic conditions. Unfortunately, migraine attacks can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours. Symptoms can be amplified by exposure to light, excessive noise, insufficient sleep, or stress, and the pain can often be severely debilitating.

According to a 2011 clinically validated survey published by the Cephalalgia journal, CBD may provide a natural option for migraine symptoms. The survey suggests that after respondents consumed CBD for 30 days, 86% reported a self-perceived decrease in headache symptoms. If you want to try CBD for these symptoms, a cannabis chew is rapid-acting and discreet. It’s easy to take, without any mess or preparation.

PMS symptoms

Often abbreviated to PMS, premenstrual syndrome is a collection of symptoms most women experience around the start of their menstrual cycle. Common symptoms of PMS include mood swings, breast tenderness, anxiousness, emotional episodes, and headaches.

Interestingly, the natural properties of CBD oil may reduce some symptoms associated with PMS without inducing undesirable consequences. Just like how CBD is understood to help influence other signs of pain, cannabinoid products might help you to experience lower levels of discomfort by affecting your body’s natural pain and inflammation processes. Furthermore, in addition to impacting some of the physical traits of PMS, cannabinoid-infused products may also be able to relieve mental symptoms such as anxiety symptoms and low mood.

Sports-related aches

While working out is a core component of a balanced lifestyle, vigorous physical activity is one of the most common sources of injuries. Consequently, athletes experiment with CBD as a sports supplement. As the 2018 review published by the Surgical Neurology International journal details, by stimulating the neurotransmitter adenosine, CBD may potentially impact some pain symptoms that often accompany sports-related injuries. The study also indicates that (due to the compound’s supposed antispasmodic properties) CBD-infused products may reduce signs of muscular spasms, contributing to discomfort.

Due to the agent’s anti-inflammatory potential, based on the 2009 review published by the Future Medicinal Chemistry journal, CBD oil may impact discomfort and swelling following injuries without interfering with the proper amounts of inflammation. Through this process, CBD may help athletes achieve a smoother recovery without interrupting the necessary recovery process.

Final Thoughts

Freeing yourself of pain and discomfort has the power to improve your quality of life in countless ways. It can relieve mental pressure, increase physical comfort, and support self-esteem. As this article illustrated, if it’s used correctly, CBD has the potential to relieve many types of pain. However, individuals should note that research into the compound is ongoing, so cannabinoid products should never be used in place of prescribed medicines.


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