Benefits of Using Mobile Apps in Healthcare and Research

Mobile apps have transformed our lives, providing a wealth of information at our fingertips. Whether we’re looking for a restaurant, a doctor or the nearest gas station, mobile apps have become an integral part of everyday life. The same is true for healthcare. Mobile apps are transforming the way clinicians and researchers interact with patients and collect data from them. As a result, they’re helping improve patient outcomes and make clinical trials more efficient and effective. You can glean the benefits from these apps best when you learn how to design a clinical trial that incorporates mobile apps in data collection. Here’s how it helps.

They Help Meet the Needs of Special Populations

Mobile apps can also help meet the needs of special populations. For example, they are useful to patients who have low literacy or visual impairment and those with hearing, mobility, cognitive, or learning disabilities. Mobile apps can also help people with language barriers if you provide them in their native language.

They Help Researchers Improve Patient Outcomes

There are several ways that mobile apps can improve patient outcomes. First, the app itself may be designed to provide patients with information about their condition or treatment options. Secondly, it can also serve as a platform for collecting data about patients’ health status and progress through their care journey. Thirdly, it could be used to engage with patients in other ways. They can offer access to community forums where they can share experiences or advice; by providing opportunities for them to receive support from others in similar situations.

They Help Grow Clinical Trial Databases

Mobile apps can be used to build a database of patient information. This could include tracking symptoms, medication usage, and other health-related activities. These databases can then be shared with physicians, researchers, and other patients. During clinical trials, patients can use apps to record their daily compliance with the trial and include any symptoms they are experiencing. This gives clinicians real-time access to that data instead of needing to wait weeks or months for information to get recorded into the database.

Examples of Mobile Health App use in Clinical Trials Include

Patient Engagement and Recruitment

Mobile apps have helped people self-monitor their conditions and share their data anonymously to research teams already. The data is used to inform new drug development and improve clinical trial design decisions. It can also help record adverse events more quickly to ensure changes can be made to the drug more easily.

Data Collection

Similar to monitoring tools for individuals, mobile devices are being used for continuous laboratory testing like blood sugar levels or heart rate variability measurements on iPad Minis or Android tablets installed with sensor technology which transmits this information wirelessly back to the user’s electronic medical record (EMR) system while they are at home or work.

They Automate Data Collection

Mobile apps enable researchers to gather data through surveys, questionnaires, and other forms of data entry that are performed on their mobile devices. This method is more convenient for many users than traditional paper-based methods such as surveys or interviews. Mobile apps can also be used to enter data into the system by completing forms with your fingertips or voice. This saves time and effort for both you and your participants. People are more likely to do it if it’s simple

Once all the information has been collected by the mobile app, it can then be analyzed automatically using algorithms created specifically for this purpose. It simplifies the process of creating graphs, percentages, and statistics.

They Track Certain Kinds of Data

One advantage of using mobile apps is that they can track certain kinds of data in real-time. This means that data is gathered and stored as it occurs, which is more accurate than relying on self-reported information. Mobile apps can also gather this data in more places, including homes and workplaces—anywhere you have a smartphone or tablet with internet access. The frequent collection of these types of measurements among large numbers of people can help us gain a better understanding of how diseases affect the human body, and the outcomes of the treatments in clinical trials.

Finally, since many mobile devices have built-in security features like fingerprint scanners or passcodes, they offer increased protection against hackers who want to steal information from our phones or tablets.

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