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Active Living: Ways To Save (And Earn) Money For Improved Health And Wellness

Adopting an active and healthy lifestyle is no easy feat. More than choosing better foods and exercising, prioritizing your well-being is a mental and physical battle that requires determination, consistency, and patience. You must unlearn unhealthy habits, develop new routines, and ultimately make health-conscious decisions in your everyday life. As you might imagine, you’ll be faced with various obstacles. One of the biggest challenges of active living is covering the cost of your needs. 

A High Price For Health And Wellness

It’s hard to manage an active lifestyle when everything is so expensive. Covering the cost of groceries, wellness products, supplements, medications, fitness equipment, gym memberships, and athletic wear presents a challenge for many people. While limited budgets may convince you to believe that sustaining an active lifestyle is impossible, that’s not the case. Believe it or not, there are multiple ways to save and earn money for improved health and wellness. 

Money-Saving Tips

Below are some suggestions on how to save money on your active lifestyle. 

  • Exercise For Free – If covering the cost of a gym membership or fitness classes is more than you can spare, you can always exercise for free. You can follow along to a workout video in your living room, practice yoga in your backyard, or walk, run, skate, or ride a bike at a local park. Some people even take a few laps around a nearby mall or shopping center to burn calories.
  • Start A Garden – Eating well-balanced meals throughout the day is essential to your active lifestyle. Your body needs the proper fuel to function. However, the cost of whole organic foods is through the roof. Starting a garden can help you save money. You can grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs to save money on groceries. Although starting your garden can take some time and money, once you begin producing crops, it’s an investment that pays for itself. 
  • Mailing Lists & Coupon Sites – Many health and wellness brands offer incentives to consumers, including exclusive promotional offers and coupons. Signing up for mailing lists for your favorite brands and products on social media or company websites can give you access to the best deals. You’ll receive notices about upcoming sales, discounts on purchases, free shipping offers, referral opportunities, and more. Searching coupon sites can also lead you to physical and digital coupons to save even more on all your health and wellness needs. 

Money-Earning Tips

It may come as a surprise, but you can actually get paid to be active. Continue reading for some suggestions. 

  • Wellness Reward Cards – Did you know that there are credit cards that pay you to stay fit? A wellness rewards card is an incentivized credit card that pays users for reaching fitness goals and purchasing health-related products and services. You can get up to 5% cash back on everything from groceries and prescriptions to gym memberships and fitness gear. 
  • Consumer Reviews – Companies always look for opportunities to improve their products and services. Receiving feedback from existing customers can provide significant insight into what a business’s target audience wants and needs. When you purchase health and wellness products and write a thorough review about your experience, some companies are willing to pay with cash, discounts, and free merchandise. 
  • Health And Fitness-Related Gigs – Another way to earn money for your active lifestyle is to use what you’ve learned from your journey to help others. You could write a blog (and monetize it), record lifestyle videos, become a personal trainer or health coach, teach exercise classes at your local gym, or sell health and wellness products. As your following grows, the earnings potential is endless. 

Developing the necessary habits to live an active lifestyle takes a lot of hard work, but the rewards are plentiful. Although affording this new way of living can be expensive, don’t let finances keep you from achieving your goals. You can continue prioritizing your well-being by using the money savings and earning suggestions above to fund your active lifestyle.