6 Sentimental Gifts Ideas For Your Loved Ones

2 min

We all want to show our love for the people in our lives, but some people are more challenging to shop for than others. What do you get for the person who seems to have everything? Have you ever tried shopping for a minimalist? What about shopping for the nerd in your life? Sometimes it can feel impossible to find a gift for certain people, especially if you want a strong sense of sentimentality or maybe even romance behind the gift. Let’s take a look at some of the best sentimental gifts you can buy for the people in your life that you love the most.

Subscription Services

We all know the value of time and saving time is always a good thing. When you’re thinking about the person they’re shopping for. If they’re a parent, busy professional, both, or busy for any other reason, a subscription service can be sentimental – believe it or not! Think about it, and you’re freeing up time in their day that they would typically be spending shopping for something they use regularly, so in essence, you’re giving the gift of time. You can subscribe to clothing, food, cat litter, and you name it – if you can afford several subscriptions for them, even better!

Handmade Gifts

Speaking of time – if you have enough on your hands and have skills like quilting, knitting, woodworking, or ceramics – consider crafting an item for the person you’re shopping for instead of purchasing it from a retailer. Objects that serve a purpose are even better, like quilts, mugs, hats, or scarves. Think about the person you want to give the gift to and try to use skills you already possess for a DIY gift they’ll treasure forever.

Personalize It

There are so many platforms these days that offer the ability to personalize gifts for others. Whether that’s engraving jewelry, creating personalized books for the recipient, or having monogramming done to virtually anything. Also, the effort to research and find something they love is also sentimental. For example, if he or she loves Disney, then buying disney jewelry for sale online is something you could do. Personalizing something shows that you went the extra mile in your gift-giving and that the present was tailored specifically for your loved one. This type of gift is typically one that will evoke many emotions from the recipient, so have tissues on hand!

Acts Of Service

As one of the primary love languages, acts of service are not only a sentimental gift but incredibly meaningful. Maybe the person you want to bestow a gift on doesn’t have time or physical capabilities to keep up with certain areas of their home. Especially if you’re shopping for seniors, offering to tend their garden all spring or clean out their gutters is worth more to them than another book they may or may not read. Donating your time and skills as a gift is the perfect present.

The Devil’s In The Details

If you decide to go with something more common as your gift – like the book mentioned above – don’t forget the details. Remember when you were a child, and a loved one gifted you a book, and they wrote you a sweet note inside? That type of gesture goes a long way and means a lot to the person receiving it. Include a note about why you thought they’d enjoy that book or, if you’ve read it, what the book meant to you. Date and sign, so it becomes a treasured part of their library.

Digital Frames

Suppose you’re separated by distance from the person you’re shopping for and want to keep them in the loop with your day-to-day activities. Especially if you’re shopping for a grandparent or parent, a digital photo frame is a sweet and sentimental option. You can send them the frame and upload photos from your home to share with them. Not to mention, they get notified every time a new picture is uploaded, so they know you’re thinking of them at that exact moment.

Shopping for other people can seem daunting, especially when you want your gift to count and be more personal than a bottle of wine or new perfume. That’s why taking into account some of the ideas mentioned above will set you up for success when looking for the perfect sentimental gift for the ones you love. Make sure you send a thoughtful card and take care in wrapping too!

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