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5 Easy DIY Jobs Literally Anyone Can Do

The idea of fixing up your home probably seems really appealing. The thought of being able to add value to your home completely on your own – what’s not to love? But when it comes down to actually giving it a go, you may feel slightly daunted. 

If you’ve never really tried DIY previously, whether this is your first home or you’ve always lived in rented, you might be too scared to even get started. You may worry that if you give something a try it might go horribly wrong, and then you’ll end up costing yourself money having to get it fixed. 

Luckily, we’ve got 5 easy DIY ideas from the pros at Pronto Direct. The home of tools and PPE, they know a thing or two about how to fix up your home, and how to do it safely. 

So if you’re feeling adventurous, and want to finally conquer your fear of DIY, here are some great places to start!

1. Fix cracks

Okay, so we’re not starting with the most exciting task in the world, but whether you have a new build or an older home with plenty of character, you may find unsightly cracks appearing. Not only can these appear worrying to a potential buyer, but they can also make a room look tatty and unloved. You’d be surprised the amount of impact you can have just by filling/fixing a few cracks on your walls or ceiling. To fix cracks you’ll simply need to invest in some filler or caulk. Traditional filler is great for larger cracks, or cracks in the middle of a wall, whereas caulk is ideal for filling the seam between adjoining walls. 

2. Paint furniture or cupboards

If you’re looking to really change up your kitchen or a room that is filled with wooden furniture, then re-painting cupboards can be a great place to start. Whether you choose to transform dark wooden doors into something light and bright, or maybe you fancy transforming that old piece of furniture into a real statement piece in a bright contrasting colour. The possibilities are endless!

3. Transform your tiles with vinyl transfers

Feel as though the tiles in your kitchen or bathroom are a bit lacklustre and dull? Did you know you can easily change them up, simply by purchasing acrylic or vinyl transfers? This is an incredibly affordable way to make a huge impact on a room. Vinyl transfers are super cheap and can be easily purchased online. There’s a huge selection of designs and colourways available, so this is a really easy way to get creative and start having fun with the interiors of your home!

4. Panel a wall

Fancy adding a bit of character and sophistication to a blank canvas? Panelling is a timeless way to add a bit of interest to a room, and a great alternative to painting or wallpapering – sometimes it’s nice to try something a bit different! Panelling may seem like a hugely daunting task. But really it’s just all in your measuring skills! If you can measure and work out exactly how many wooden panels/beams you’ll need for your room, at what lengths, then you can get them cut down to size at any hardware store. Then it’s just a case of adhering them to the wall using adhesive and nails, caulking around the edges to create a nice smooth seal, and painting them to finish off your wall. Quite simple when you think of it like that, right?

5. Create a feature wall

If you don’t fancy panelling and are worried you’re not ready for that level of DIY quite yet, then why not make a feature wall with paint or wallpaper? There are plenty of wallpapering tutorials online, but so long as you don’t choose paper with a complex pattern, it’s pretty easy to hang your own paper. But for a simple transformation, paint and some strong Frogtape are the answer. If you check out Frogtape on Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok, you’ll be inspired to get started on your room straight away.

We hope we’ve left you with some exciting ideas to get started decorating your own home. If you’re feeling daunted, just remember that every great DIY’er had to start somewhere. There are hundreds of helpful tutorials online nowadays too, so if you ever get stuck, there’s always someone out there waiting to help you. Good luck and happy decorating!