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How Do You Prove Financial Exploitation of Elderly?

Do you need help with everyday activities like eating or bathing? If you’re young, you likely take those actions for granted. But, about 2 out of 3 Americans over the age of 65 do need help with them.

This vulnerability puts our aging loved ones at risk.

Aging adults need more help, which means physical abuse is more common. Financial exploitation of elderly adults happens too much, too. Do you believe your loved one was a victim of financial abuse? If so, then you’ll want to know how to prove your suspicions.

Read on to learn how to secure proof of financial exploitation.

Proof of Mysterious Transactions

Do you have access to your loved ones’ financial accounts? If so, then the first step you should take is to document any mysterious transactions.

Look for big ATM withdraws that your loved one likely didn’t make. Check for transactions at stores your loved one never went to.

If you see suspicious activity, then get an official bank statement. Then, talk to your loved one about elder financial exploitation.

Proof of Fraud, Abuse, or Duress

Financial abuse usually does not happen in a vacuum. Too often, the victim is also getting physically abused, threatened, or intimidated. When the victim depends on the abuser, they may not feel comfortable speaking up.

That’s where you need to step in and get proof of what’s going on.

Depending on the situation, proof may be a video, testimony from your loved one, or other evidence. Notifying the police will also prompt an investigation. Authorities should be able to uncover more evidence of fraud, abuse, or duress.

Proof of Suspicious Changes to Wills, Trusts, or Estates

Did you notice a suspicious or odd change to your loved ones’ will or trust? Has their primary caretaker suddenly become the heir to your senior’s fortunes?

Be sure to document these changes and discuss them with your loved one.

Proof of Mental or Physical Incapacity

As we age many of us will struggle with an inevitable mental and physical decline. Often, seniors experience conditions like dementia or physical disabilities. These medical conditions can leave your senior vulnerable to financial abuse.

Document proof of your loved ones’ conditions by getting a doctor’s diagnosis. This will prove that they couldn’t consent to giving money to their abuser.

Getting Justice for Financial Exploitation of Elderly Adults

Financial exploitation of elderly adults is an under reported crime. That’s because elder abuse is often covert. It goes unnoticed due to the significant vulnerability of seniors.

If you have an aging loved one, then do everything you can to protect them. If you suspect they’ve been a victim, get proof of what’s happening. Then, secure justice for them.

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