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What Do Women Really Think Of Male Hair Loss?

Many of us link the loss of our hair to a loss of virility. As a result, we believe that our thinning or bald head will make us far less attractive to women. But, is this actually true? To assess this, we’ve looked at some recent survey data and analysed what women really think about male hair loss.

Our survey says…

When assessing what women really think about male hair loss, it’s important to look at data. So, to help with our research, we looked at the results of GetHair’s recent survey.

They surveyed 2,000 women who date men to get their opinions on thinning or bald men and their attractiveness. Let’s take a look at what they found and use this information to answer some of the questions we most commonly hear from men with thinning hair:

Do women find bald men attractive?

Being less attractive to the opposite sex is one thing that many of us worry about when we’re losing our hair. Sadly, from the survey data, it appears as though we’re right to feel that way. After all, the data shows that only 10% of women aged between 25 and 40 actually find bald men attractive.

However, if you have thinning hair then you should probably chop it all off rather than try to style it out. This is because, in a separate survey by Thrillist, over 50% of respondents said that they preferred men with a buzz cut to someone with thinning hair.

Do women like dating bald men?

If you’re active on the dating scene and using dating apps like Bumble and Tinder, then you may be wary about posting photos that show you with thinning hair or a bald head on your profile.

Unfortunately, the survey results also show that you might be right. This is because fewer than 6 out of 10 women told the surveyor that they would definitely consider dating a bald man and 7 out of 10 women said that they’d never dated a bald man previously. In addition to this, 1 in 4 women said they thought that hair was key to a man’s attractiveness.

However, if you look at this statistic from the other side of the coin, this means three-quarters of women don’t think hair is important to someone’s attractiveness at all, so it’s far from the end of the world.

Do women find men without hair as attractive as those with?

How attractive you are with a bald head largely depends on the shape of your skull. If you have a symmetrical head without any lumps and bumps, then you’re likely to look great with a bald head, just like The Rock and Bruce Willis. In fact, as this article from Men’s Health shows, both of these actors actually look far better bald than they did with hair.

However, baldness will emphasise any imperfections you have. This means it’s a look that doesn’t suit everyone. Due to this, perhaps it’s no surprise that almost half of women think that men become less attractive as they lose their hair, and nearly 60% of women believe that men with a full head of hair look better than men who are bald.

Will my partner break up with me if I go bald?

The good news is that even though the survey shows that women have a preference for men with a full head of hair, they’re happy to stay with a partner who is suffering from hair loss. After all, according to the survey, only 7% of women said that they would break up with their partner if they suffered from hair loss.

That being said, half the survey respondents did say that they would feel obliged to tell their partner if they were losing their hair. This suggests that these women would like their partner to take some form of action to deal with hair loss.

How should I use this information?

It’s clear from the survey results that women believe that men often look better with a good head of hair. However, although the survey’s headline figures look a little alarming for those of us with thinning hair, when we dig a little deeper we can see plenty of encouragement for bald men. For example, almost half of all respondents would still date a bald man and only a tiny minority (7%) of women would break up with their partner if they went bald.

As a direct result of this, if you’re dealing with hair loss, then how you treat it (if you even decide to treat it at all) should be entirely your choice. Treatments like hair transplants could definitely help make you more popular with ladies on the dating scene, but you should only consider a procedure that’s this expensive if you think it will make you feel good about yourself.

Of course, physical attraction isn’t something that can be left out of the love equation, but everyone has flaws and finding a partner who loves you inside and out is much more important than finding someone who only likes your physical appearance. After all, our hairline isn’t the only part of our looks that will change as we age.

To conclude, from the survey results it’s clear to see that some women do find men more sexually attractive when they have a full head of hair. However, there’s still a huge chunk of women who do find bald men attractive. As a result, if you’re losing your hair, then it’s clear that you should only search for treatment if it will make you feel good about yourself. If it won’t, then save your money and find someone who loves you for who you really are.