Tyler1 Net Worth – One of the Most Controversial Gaming Streamers

Tyler Steinkamp is an American streamer from Missouri. He sometimes goes by the name Loltyler1 or Tyler1. In the world of League of Legends, Tyler is a hero and a legend himself. He is one of the most popular LOL streamers. One of the main reasons fans love him is his controversial character. That helped him attract a lot of fans. But how much is Tyler1’s cash flow? Let’s take a look.

Name:Tyler Steinkamp
Birthday:March 7, 1995
Net Worth:$4 million
Height:1.68 m
Occupation:American Internet Personality, Streamer on Twitch

Career Ups and Downs

Tyler once dreamed of a regular job and a career. He studied computer science at Central Methodist University. But once his streaming career took off, he dropped out of university. And he actually had a regular college life. Tyler played as a running back for the university’s football team.

After his LOL career took off, he dropped out of university and sports. Famous for his online personality and streaming on Twitch, his channel has more than 2 million followers. He also has more than 30,000 paid subscribers and amassed more than 80 million views so far.

Born and raised in Missouri, Tyler developed an interest in video games at a young age. He has a brother, Eric, who is also a video game player.

He now lives in New London, Missouri. Tyler played different online games using YouTube streaming software before finding his success in League of Legends. He played Overwatch, Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Warcraft, and more. But in the end, he settled for League of Legends.

He started playing LOL at an early age. Since then, he grew to the status of master in the game. He took the game seriously and is now one of the best players in the game. Tyler players under the exclusive title Draven.

He has mad skills in the game. At one point, he achieved 13th ranked player in League of Legends. Some players even banned his favorite character, Draven, once they saw him on the opposing side.

But while he has mad skills, he is also famous for negative behavior. Tyler is famous for his inciting behavior. That is a way of saying he betrays his team once he starts losing the game. He goes and allows the opposing team to kill him intentionally, giving them money and experience. The popular gamer does it as a revenge for his team not meeting his requests.

That is how he got the nickname “Most Toxic Player in North America”. That makes him one of the more controversial persons in the world of gaming. He is a great player, skilled and successful. But his toxic behavior is something few can handle.

He dates Macaiyla, another online personality. She is also a LOL player and an Instagram star. The two met on the internet and now live together in New London, Missouri. They have three cats, Theo, Nelson, and Emmitt.

Awards and Achievements

There are no awards for gaming celebrities. If they were, Tyler would have won a couple of them. But he did finish up as the runner-up in the NA LCS 2018 Summer Playoffs Streamer Show Match.

Net Worth

As of August 2020, Tyler1 net worth is more than $4 million. He earns money through his Twitch streaming and YouTube videos. He earns more than $20,000 per month. And that is without sponsorships, subscriptions, tips, contributions, merchandise sales, and more. Despite bans for toxic behavior, he is still one of the most entertaining streamers.

Let’s start with his Twitch earnings. He has more than 3 million followers on the platform. He amassed more than 100 million views so far. Tyler1 gets an average of 24,000 viewers per stream. His personal record is 382,000 viewers. And he also has more than 30,000 paid subscribers on Twitch.

Twitch streamers make money through ad revenue, donations, and bits. They earn at least $2.50 per subscription, with Twitch giving top rated streamers a bigger chunk of the monthly fee.

As a popular streamer, Tyler1 also earns money through the Cheering feature. That is when a fan cheers with bits in the chat. Depending on the cheer, streamers can earn between $1 and $2. Fans can also donate cryptocurrencies.

As for his YouTube account, Tyler has more than 1.6 million subscribers. He amassed more than 300 million views so far. And with more than 250,000 views per day, Tyler earns at least $1,000 daily. That is more than $365,000 per year.

YouTube earnings depend on the advertisements and device fans watch videos on. Some of the most popular personalities get into the Google Preferred program. That is where companies pay top dollars for expensive ads in the most popular content.

Tyler also earns money from sponsorships and endorsements. He sells merchandise through his online accounts and platforms. As a result of all that, Tyler1’s fortune in 2020 is more than $4 million.

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