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Crystal Clear? What Type of Contaminants Do Water Filters Remove?

If tap water is safe to drink, why bother with aftermarket water filters?

It’s a good question and one that will give different answers depending on where you live. Your home’s water source is probably safe to drink from, and the water might not even be too bad on your taste buds.

At the same time, just because something is safe doesn’t mean its free from a contaminant or two. Those contaminants could affect the way your water tastes, and lead to some health issues down the line.

We’re going to explore a little bit about how a water filter system works and what they eliminate. Hopefully, you can have a better idea of how to understand the quality of your home’s water after reading.

Are You Drinking a Contaminant? Your Home’s Water

The current quality of your home’s tap water depends on a couple of factors. Most importantly, the quality of the water source. Water tables and wells are prone to give off residue and debris.

While the water is treated before it enters your cup, that doesn’t mean it’s free from all of the things that are lurking in the water source. Most likely, that means sand, sediment, and silt from wherever the water was before it hit your pipes.

Another thing to consider is the quality and age of your pipes. There could be leaks, spots where debris enters your water line, or debris from the pipes if they’re old enough.

What Can Filters Remove?

At worst, our water is home to things like microplastics, parasites, pesticides, and other chemicals that have seeped their way into the water table. At best, there’s very little sand or silt present in the water.

Most common are the chemicals that treatment plants use to clean and treat water in the first place. A typical one is chlorine. While most of the chlorine and chemical cleaner is removed from the water before it leaves the plant, there’s always a chance that some have escaped.

If there’s an issue with water treatment in an area, it means that all of the homes that it serves are affected by those issues. So, it’s good to have an aftermarket filtration system in the event that there’s a disturbance to your water supply.

Even if there isn’t any real threat, it’s good to know that there’s less silt and sand in your cup. Further, a water filter improves the taste, smell, and clarity of the water you drink.

If you’re not sure of your water’s quality, it’s best to get it tested and search for the best whole house water filter you can find.

You’ll find that your water is cleaner, clearer, and more enjoyable to drink. Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind that you aren’t consuming any more chemicals than you have to.

Doing Some Home Improvement?

Hopefully, you can get your water to a point where there isn’t a contaminant in sight. There’s a lot more to do to keep your home in check, though. We’re here to help.

Explore our site for more home improvement tips that will have your house clean, safe, and enjoyable to live in.