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5 Tips to Design Joomla Template

Creating a Joomla template is not easy. For some users, it is a confusing and challenging process. Beginners ask questions like how to modify one page without affecting others. Or how can you change the structure of a module, making it easier to style. Creating professional Joomla templates is vital to web design and development.

Let’s see how you can create a responsive and customizable template with easy Drag-N-Drop editing options.

Two methods for Joomla template

There are two ways to create a Joomla template from scratch. You can do it either way. The first one is the manual method. Using this method you have to code the template all by yourself. And the second method is an easier one. You can use a template building software like TemplateToaster, Artisteer, Linelabox, or similar software.

Now that we know the methods, let’s take a look at some tips for designing a Joomla template.

Tip 1 – Chose the template framework

Template frameworks allow you to complete the template faster. A lot of the work is complete, you just have to finish it. There are many popular frameworks like YooTheme, Rockettheme, Joomlart, or others.

All of these template frameworks got built from the ground up to reduce your time. You do not have to complete tedious repetitive tasks on each template. And all of these come with great features like backend features.

Feel free to check any of the templates. Each comes with its own standard. This makes it a personal preference which one you want to use.

Once you install the template, go to “extensions” on the top bar o your Joomla backend and click “Template manager”. Find your template and start using it.

Tip 2 Pay Attention to Slideshow Designing

Slideshow designing is a vital aspect of creating a beautiful and streamlined Joomla template. You can design the slideshow with transition effects, slideshow positioning, height, width, border, margin, and many more options.

There is no limit on the number of slides you want to add. Just click on the plus (+) sign. And when you want to remove any slide, click on the minus (-) sign in the top left corner.

Tip 3 – Show the site name on your browser tab

The good thing about Joomla is that it allows you to display your site name on the browser tab without any extensions.

To do this, you need to go to System and then click on “Global Configuration”. From there, navigate to “SEO Settings” and then look for “Site Name in Page Titles”. The default option here is “no”. But you can change it to “before” or “after” depending on what you want. Once you enable, the site name will show before or after the page title. It is a nice way to add more branding to your website.

Click on Save changes and you are set. Now go to the front of your site. You will notice the name visible in the browser tab.

Tip 4 – Use collapsing module positions

This is a necessity in Joomla. Otherwise, positions will show up for empty modules. Let’s say you have a module in the left column on your site, and the label is “left_col”. There will be pages where you do not want the left column to show up if there is nothing in it.

Without a collapse “If” statement, the position will show up even with nothing in it. The result is a blank column. It is your responsibility to make sure the column collapses when empty. For this, you can create your own module position or locate an existing one.

Different templates have different ways of creating the count modules if statement. Some are simpler, others require complex coding. But for this to work, you must have a module position in between the “if statement”. This way, it sees if anything got published in that position or not.

This concept provides more dynamic for your website. This way, varying pages have different layouts. Combine the countModules “if” statement with the URL variable to make your template more flexible.

Tip 5 – Boost your website speed

You have to understand that not everyone has an ultra-fast browsing speed. Sometimes, the connection is slower. But those users should access your website as well. Try to make loading time as short as possible. Here is how you can boost your website’s speed.

Go to System and click on “Global Configuration”. Then, navigate to the “System” tab and look for “Cache settings”. From the “System Cache” select “ON – Conservative caching”. Now, go to the “Server” tab and look for “Server Settings”. There, turn “Gzip Page Compression” to “Yes”. Save changes and you are set. Enjoy your faster website.