New Features Found In Microsoft Teams

Business technology providers are big on Microsoft programs, such as Windows, Office365, and Outlook. Another frontrunner in the corporate IT landscape is Microsoft Teams. Originally released in 2017, the universal communication platform continues to evolve and impress business managers. Some of the new features found in Microsoft Teams include a button for meeting options, roll call, and channel analytics, all of which make it super easy to stay in touch with your staff and discuss projects.

It’s important to get the latest version running on all of your devices to ensure your organization is set up for success. Holden Watne, who provides IT services in Los Angeles with GenIX and supports Microsoft Team offers insights into some new features.

Variety of Meeting Options

Microsoft Teams is quickly becoming one of the go-to virtual meeting platforms, especially in a year where remote work has taken center stage. More options are now available within the program to give you enhanced control over your company’s communications. Now you can make both guests and users within your organization wait in the lobby to start a meeting you made. You can choose “only me” for the bypass lobby setting.

Other helpful additions to the program’s long list of functions include real-time status updates such as available or in a call, as well as switching automatic Outlook replies on and off. It’s all about efficiency and a smart collaborative platform like this allows your team to focus on the goals at hand.

Accurate Attendance

Keeping track of who attends meetings and who misses out is made much simpler with the new roll call feature on Microsoft Teams. Meeting organizers can download the attendee list CSV file from the show participants dropdown menu. The Excel file includes each participant’s name, the time they joined and the time they departed the meeting.

In addition to the new attendance capabilities, Microsoft introduced a raise hand feature earlier this year, which allows participants to express their interest in speaking next. This is a nice touch to video conferences, and with the click of a button, members can digitally “raise their hand” and have their turn to speak. This is especially useful for projects with multiple participants, as it ensures you can get feedback and ideas from everyone involved.

Insightful Channel Analytics

Understanding how your business uses Microsoft Teams is extremely valuable, and the new and improved channel analytics function allows you to make well-informed decisions on how you want your team to communicate and work together moving forward. The time period for channel metrics has been expanded to cover the past 90 days, and you can now view continuous analytics for posts and replies across all teams and channels.

Your business IT provider can offer further suggestions on how to apply these analytics to your operations and what changes could be made to further streamline your processes and capitalize on the latest software updates.

Microsoft 365 Multi-Factor Authentication

With all of the improvements to Microsoft Teams, your business can stay connected and engaged across all projects. To make the most of this platform, it’s a good idea to enable multi-factor authentication through Microsoft 365. This way, you can have peace of mind that sensitive information is protected through a highly secure and safe network.

Microsoft has been upfront that the vast majority of breached accounts lack the protection of multi-factor authentication. You can avoid the stress of a business data breach by installing the Microsoft Authenticator app to log in to Microsoft Teams. By linking a mobile phone with the Microsoft account, staff members will receive an authentication code to enter before they can access the platform. This is another way that Microsoft offers secure solutions to keep your business moving forward and collaborating in a safe digital space.

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