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Why Air Quality Indoors Is Crucial?

We don’t really think about it but the purity of indoor air defines not just the atmosphere at home but general human health as well. We are what we breathe – this article is here to prove it.

So, why does indoor air quality matter?

What pollutes the air indoors?

The main contaminants of air can be natural (things of mineral, plant or microbiological origin, which include volcanic emissions, smoke from wood fire, fur, flower pollen, animal excretions, etc.) and artificial. The last ones are classified into several groups:

  • Transport these compounds generated during the operation of road, rail, air, sea and river vehicles.
  • Industrial contaminators are formed as emissions on technological and production facilities, or result from heating.
  • Domestic contaminants are caused by fuel burning in residential building and the processing of home waste.

By composition, air contaminants at home can also be classified into several groups:

  • Mechanical contaminators. This is dust from cement plants, dust from coal burning in boiler houses, furnaces, soot from oil and fuel, abraded car tires, and so on.
  • Chemical contaminators. Those are dusty or gas-like substances that might enter into chemical reactions. Indoors, they can be emitted by construction materials.

Air gets stagnant and unhealthy due to several reasons: sometimes it lacks oxygen, sometimes it is high in pollutants such as CO2 and other organic matters. This is due, for example, to smoke and fumes from furniture and chemical detergents. Unfavorable humidity can also worsen indoor ecology and damage our health, leading to the growth of mites and the formation of mold.

The value of a fresh air

It’s not a secret that air contaminants cause a lot of problems with health. In allergic people, dust, pollen, and chemical contaminants may trigger adverse reactions and symptoms. According to WHO, polluted air results in 1.5-2 mln deaths annually. It also triggers respiratory diseases, asthma, headaches, and even lowering of productivity.

In rooms with fresh air, people not only feel better – they sleep better. Absence of contaminants improves the overall quality of life. It’s a fact that cannot be denied.

What can be done to improve the situation?

  • Take care of a comfortable room temperature.
  • Prevent high or low humidity at home. The optimal level is 30-60%.
  • No smoking in the home or office or near the entrance to the building (and preferably also outside)
  • Take care of proper ventilation of the house, especially basement and zero floors.
  • If you have open and direct fire in the apartments, make sure to install proper ventilation and air extraction systems.
  • Keep windows shut if there is a warning about excessive air pollution.
  • Refrain from using a wood-burning fireplace or charcoal grill indoors or near building entrances.
  • Take care of the cleanliness of filters in the air conditioning and ventilating unit.
  • Install the tumble dryer outside.

If you have never bothered about ecology in your own home, it’s high time to take care of it. By establishing efficient ventilation and maintaining optimal moisture, you can boost air quality significantly – positive outcomes won’t take long to notice.