SerpLogic Discuss the Big SEO Trends of 2020

When it comes to online marketing strategies, SEO is hard to beat for getting targetted organic traffic to your business website. Not only is SEO incredibly effective, but it can also be very low cost if done well says Tommy McDonald of SEO firm SerpLogic. In 2020, it’s rare to find a company or organization that is not leveraging the power of SEO techniques and tools to improve and maintain their rankings with search engines for lucrative keywords.

SerpLogic have grown substantially in their 4 years in the SEO game and are now one of the most trusted providers of services on the planet. They know what it takes to rank.

With new websites springing up every hour, the competition in the online sphere is immense. It’s getting harder and harder to rank for the best keywords across all niches as each day passes. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to learn the latest search engine marketing tactics and follow SEO trends. So, have out together a list of upcoming trends in the SEO world:

1. Featured Snippets Get Clicks

Featured snippets are displayed near the top of the search results and they provide users with a summary of key information or data. They improve the experience of search engine users by allowing them to quickly obtain the information they need — such as business opening hours, product specs, prices of subscription packages, etc — without having to click-through to another website. Perhaps surprisingly, however, rich snippets have great click-through benefits for many websites. In fact, over 50% of clicks from SERPs originate from featured snippets.

2. Site Security

Google now displays a “not secure” warning message to all users clicking through to websites not using the latest security protocols. At this point, many users decide not to continue to the site which results in high bounce rates for the domain. Since a site’s bounce rate is a key SEO ranking factor, failing to take website security seriously can have a big impact on your position on SERPs. Therefore, you must activate the HTTPS protocol for your site. Users connected to HTTPS sites know data transmitted is encrypted and the connection is authentic.

3. High-Quality, Fresh Content

Paid advertising is set to get more costly in 2020. Over 90% of a company’s ad spend can go on content that is viewed for less than a second. In 2018, businesses wasted around $38 billion on digital ads.

Investing in organic SEO strategies is a much better option for businesses going forward. In order to achieve the best rankings, businesses must publish a lot of high-quality, unique content both on their websites and on other online platforms. Google rewards content that is relevant, useful, and timely. Your website must provide answers to searchers’ questions.

Ensure that all content is well-researched and that it’s presented in a logical manner. Content should be easy to scan and navigate through. Try to provide solutions to common problems your consumers have. You might also want to make some content more creative and personal in nature by adding stories that connect with readers. Moreover, you need to ensure content contains keywords relevant to your niches. Check out the content creation section on our website for some guidance on how to write the best SEO copy.

4. A Rich Digital Experience

No matter how great your website’s content is, if your site doesn’t offer a seamless experience, all your hard work will be for nothing. Nobody wants to view a website that takes ages to load and has confusing navigation menus. Today’s internet users are most impatient than ever and will rarely give a site more than 3 seconds to load before clicking the back button. A one-second loading delay on your website can cost your business hundreds of customers.

When making improvements to your website, focus on the complete user experience. Is the website intuitive to navigate? How long to various pages take to load? Is the content tailored to a mainstream audience or is it full of technical terms few will understand? Don’t try to be too creative or cleaver, as it can backfire. You don’t want to risk a high bounce rate destroying your hard-earned organic SERP rankings.

5. AI Is All The Rage

Artificial intelligence is taking over many parts of daily life and is advancing at a faster rate than predicted. Companies everywhere are using AI to generate personalized unique experiences for consumers. Google is embracing AI more than most in a bid to provide their users with the best possible results and searching experience. SEO experts are certain that AI will play a bigger role in search engine marketing strategies for companies in 2020.

6. Explore Additional Search Engines

In the search engine industry, Google remains king. But, that doesn’t mean that some online users regularly use the company’s competitors. Bing and DuckDuckGo are growing in popularity and they require different optimization strategies for the best rankings. Consider the nature of your brand and products when deciding which other search engines to explore. For example, DuckDuckGo users are generally concerned about online tracking, so VPN companies would do well to optimize for top results on the platform. Meanwhile, Bing is typically only used by Windows users who never alter their default internet browsing settings. Keep your target audience in mind.

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