A Friendly Guide: How to Create Discord Emojis

Discord is a free application, and it’s also a digital distribution. This communication platform is all-around and allows users to easily communicate with others through text, video, and voice. Discord is among the great apps for messaging that people can download in the app market. Discord users do not want to waste time getting the desired reach, so very often they look for the best place to buy Discord members. People also use it in creating or forming communities to hang out with the members virtually.

With its use for communication, this app is also equipped with unique features that users can’t find in other apps, and that includes the emojis. Users can also create and upload their personalized emojis on their server. In this guide, users will learn how to make discord emoji.

Over the past years, emojis are vital parts of people’s lives in the modern generation. People use emojis to show their feelings, mood, and reactions towards others. Sometimes, other people use a different type of emojis to replace words or a practical way to express something. With that, here’s how you can create discord emojis. To learn more about Discord, visit Whop.

Making Discord Emojis Using Mac or PC

The first step in planning how to make Discord emojis is familiarizing yourself with this app. Here’s how a customized emoji is created using Discord.

  1. Launch Discord.
  2. Choose the server of your Discord on the left side of the screen. You can only use the emojis that are uploaded on your chosen Discord server.
  3. Press the arrow button at the right part of the Discord server’s name that is pointing down. After that, a list will appear.
  4. Press the gear button, server settings.
  5. On the left side, press the tab for emojis.
  6. Press the button that is blue, then upload your emoji.

Adding Emojis to The Discord Messages Using Mac or PC

  1. Launch Discord via the app or website.
  2. Register or log-in to your account in Discord.
  3. To open your custom emojis on Discord, launch the computer’s keyboard for emoji.
  4. If you don’t want to use your computer’s keyboard for emoji, press the emoji that is grinning at the right GIF part and the button for Nitro Gift so that users can access custom emojis of Discord. You can also use the 2 semicolons and type the name of the emoji in the middle.
  5. For you to change the skin codes, type the emoji name in this form, :emoji_name and add the semicolon near your choice of skin tone, then place another semicolon to close the coding. A great example of coding a skin tone for medium skin tone is: :ok_hand::skin-tone-3:
  6. The last step is that you need to paste the copied emojis to the keyboard. Just place it using the command “Control + V” for PC and “Command + B for Mac.

Creating Your Account

Remember that Discord’s mobile version will not provide you access to easy server customization. You will have a hard time tweaking the server settings and adding custom emojis on Discord. So here are the steps on how to create your Discord account.

  1. Scroll down until you reach the end of Discord’s page and press the Sign Up blue button.
  2. To create your account, place your password, username, and email. After doing that, press Continue.

Creating an Emoji Folder on Discord

Making a folder for your emojis will make your life easier in finding them on your smartphone. With that, users can store their folder in the gallery or documents.

  1. After your emoji shows up or pops up on your emoji list on the server page, it will be more manageable for you to change the emoji names.
  2. Test all the emoji in the chatbox after you’re done with the uploading procedures.


Creating a custom Discord emoji or pogchamp is not hard and won’t take much of your time no matter what electronics or gadget users decide to do the process, whether through mobile, Mac, or PC. You should always take note and remember the guide when using Discord in creating emojis.

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