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The benefits of marriage and family therapy

Marriage is a beautiful thing. When you have a good marriage, you get to enjoy the companionship of someone you love; through the good and bad times. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to enjoy the benefits that come with marriage, as explained by high levels of divorce all across the world. Without understanding, compassion for one another, and proper communication, marriage can turn into a nightmare. That’s why every married couple needs to engage a counselor every once in a while. If you live in New York City, you should consider Spiral2grow. They are a top NYC Marriage Family Therapy practice. In case your marriage is working perfectly at the moment, and you think therapy is not important, here are benefits of therapy that will make you reconsider your views.

  1. You develop better communication skills 

Communication breakdown is the number one cause of marriage failure. Unfortunately, communication breakdown does not happen suddenly. It starts with small misunderstandings that snowball into irreconcilable differences, and inevitable divorce. Marriage counseling and therapy helps capture these issues while they are still in their early stages and have them resolved. With regular counseling, you get to understand each other’s communication styles better, and the result is a long and happy marriage.

  1.   Better conflict resolution 

Conflicts are common in marriage and most cases, they are managed in a few hours or a day. However, there are times when conflicts in marriage can be a real threat to the union. In such scenarios, it is always good to involve a third party. While some couples may opt to engage a trusted friend or family member, it is always better to engage the services of a therapist. That’s because therapists are trained in conflict resolution mechanisms. As such, they are in a better position to assess your issues and offer a solution that is commensurate to the problems you are facing, and possibly save your marriage.

  1. Role definition

Most marriages are happy in the honeymoon stage. This is the stage when you are just the two of you, and you don’t care about bills or any of the serious stuff. However, as you progress and responsibilities such as children and mortgages come up, finances can become an issue. Without a clear role definition and personal responsibility, this can be a marriage killer. A marriage counselor can help you avoid such problems earlier along in the marriage. The counselor will simply tell it as it is, and get the two of you to make clear and focused financial decisions from day one.

  1. Developing good behavior

One of the biggest risks to marriage is bad habits such as drug abuse and gambling. While in some cases couples can discuss such issues amongst themselves and come up with a solution, it usually takes the intervention of an outside party to identify issues early and deal with them. A therapist offers a straightforward analysis of the problem and even offers the couple a way out. With such interventions, a couple can avoid bad habits that could cost their marriage in the long run.