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Five Tips to Change Your Room Completely

After a hectic day at work or in the field, you find solace in your cozy bedroom. This is why you spend extra bucks to turn it into a place that offers peace and comfort. A beautifully-designed bedroom is your safe haven as it helps revive your mood and rejuvenates you for the next day’s challenges.

There comes a time when your bedroom fails to prove the same kind of inspiration and comfort, largely due to monotony. This is the time when you should consider a makeover. Luckily, you have the liberty to alter the look of your room to make it aligned with your personality and changing trends in your life.

If you are looking for some tips on how you can make your room look better, here are a few ideas to save you the hassle of searching it anywhere on the internet.

Change the Position of Your Bed

Sometimes, all you need is a change. Your bedroom is the place where you find solace after a long day at the job. In order to beat the monotony, you should start by changing the position of your bed. Change brings with it refreshing effects on your moods and behaviors. Therefore, changing the position of your bed would allow you to look at your bedroom with a different perspective and get ready for a fresh experience in the night. 

While you’re planning to change the position of your bed, first you should take stock of the space available in your room. You should also take into account the things you have placed in your bedroom. It would give you an idea about the things that you can easily move. It would help you in making room for your bed on the other side.

Once you move the bed to a different corner in the room, the next task is to decorate it with decent accessories. You can give your bed a rollicking look by investing in some premium down comforters to ensure a comfortable and revitalizing sleep. They make your bed look extravagant and super cozy at the same time. You can buy new pillows and bedsheets to give your bed a new and fresh look.

Invest in Carpets

Carpets and rugs add great value to the overall ambiance of the bedroom. It actually adds to the aesthetics of the room and gives your family members a great feel about it. You can place a rug anywhere in the room and keep changing its position, if and when required.

The importance of positioning a rug increases manifold in the winter season as it adds to the warmth and coziness along with adding to the ambiance. There is a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from. You can always choose the one that fits your taste and place it in your room for that statement rug attraction.

If you are low on a budget but still like the idea of placing a rug in your room, you can invest in a plain one. If you are on a budget, you can go for a smaller, inexpensive option.

Get Creative on Walls

The walls of a room depict your taste and personality. You can flaunt your style through the walls of your house or a particular room by the selection of their color and further accessorize it.

You should consider the walls of your room as the big canvas to bring out your creative self. You can add family picture frames or just random picture frames on the walls to personalize them. If you are a fan of art, you can put up famous art pieces of historical artists onto your walls. Or if you are an artist yourself, you can hook up some of your own pieces of art.

If you don’t like either of the options mentioned above, then you can still make a change by replacing the old wall colors with new ones. It’s best to choose light colors for a soothing effect. You can place almost any item on the walls which makes your room look brand new and adds life to it.

A Touch of Mother Nature

Adding a few nature-related aspects can seriously impact the looks and feel of the bedroom for you and your guests.

Placing some indoor plants in your room can surely upgrade the overall appeal of your surroundings. Having plants in your room also provides you cleaner air to breathe.

There are certain plants that can ward off bed bugs or any other bugs in general so you don’t have to worry about getting bit in the middle of the night by some strange bed bug. If you are not used to taking care of real plants, you can buy fake ones that can make your room look eye-catching and pleasant.

Upgrade Your Curtains

Aside from the bed, curtains are another important part of the room that doesn’t fail to catch their viewer’s eyes. A curtain can improve the look of the room with its vibrant colors, pattern, and fabric.

You should stay away from dark colors and heavy fabrics for curtains. They block out too much sunlight and can make a room feel suffocated. Instead, get yourself some light-shaded silk-based curtains. They let a decent amount of sunlight in and at the same time make sure the room stays ventilated.

Moreover, you can also adjust the position of the curtains for a better graceful and bigger room appearance. Place the curtain pole a bit more above the window so that when the curtains fall down, they appear longer, giving the illusion of a bigger and brighter room to its viewers.


Change is the essence of life and there is no harm in changing the way you live. It only enhances the quality of your lifestyle. The tips mentioned above would help you in changing the way your room inspires you.