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5 Best Small Business Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Revenues

If you were a small business, back in the nineties or even the early twenties, you would not have many marketing or advertising options. This was because Above The Line (ATL) advertising was and is expensive, time consuming and does not guarantee definite ROIs.

ATL was a monopoly of the big brands and business houses. Small businesses were dependent on word-of-mouth publicity options at best. However, the growth of internet has opened up many channels and platforms for small businesses to explore.

This is not only a healthy and positive development; it also has great humanistic impacts on society. The growth of small businesses has helped generate millions of employment opportunities, build local communities, and remove societal evils.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

The benefits of maintaining a digital presence far outweigh the investments or the risks. Every brand, no matter how big or small, in order to survive and be profitable should consider digital as a viable platform to operate on.

With more than half the Earth’s population using internet on an everyday basis, ignoring the digital world is a hazard no business can afford to take.

Let us look at some of the top benefits of digital marketing for small businesses-

  • Digital Marketing is much more cost efficient and affordable than traditional marketing.
  • The platform helps small businesses monitor their performances with data and helps plan the most optimum and affordable strategies.
  • If done right, digital marketing can increase consumers and directly affect revenue generation in a positive fashion.
  • Digital Marketing also helps in establishing credibility and building a reputation. The community building part of digital marketing is phenomenal to say the least.
  • Professional link building services in digital marketing enable small businesses to enhance their online presence, establish credibility, and gain trust. By securing authoritative backlinks, businesses showcase expertise, foster customer confidence, and gain a competitive edge.

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Business: The List

1. Social Media Presence-

Love it or hate it, social media is here to stay. It is not just here to stay, it is here to make a significant impact on businesses. No brand can afford not to have a social media presence in this era.

With nearly four billion worldwide users, social media is the single biggest boon for small brands on the internet. By maintaining your presence on social media, you can develop a strong and loyal customer base.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have become the first home for small brands. You will amazed to know that millions of businesses, who do not even have a physical store, operate and earn thousands of dollars from social media.

2. Google My Business (GMB)-

Apart from maintaining a social media presence, Google My Business has emerged as a key digital marketing strategy for small brands. In technical terms, GMB is a critical component of Local SEO.

In other words, GMB helps small brands be discovered within a geographical area by the local population residing in that area. For example, if you are an Italian restaurant who is on GMB and maintains an active presence, Google will show your restaurant to locals in the area who are searching for an Italian restaurant.

Maintaining an active presence on GMB is very beneficial, in terms of increasing direct footfalls and revenues for small businesses.

3. E-Commerce Website-

If you are a small business selling any product or service, it is essential that you have an e-commerce integration in your website. This will help you directly make actual sales and drive revenues.

Building e-commerce websites has become cheap and simple in 2019. With many budget cost-effective theme based solutions from companies like Shopify and WooCommerce offering e-commerce integrations.

An e-commerce platform is the logical conclusion for people coming to your social media or GMB page, and wanting to purchase something from you.

4. Create a Quality Blog Section on the Website-

Rather than pushing your products and services by spending unnecessarily on ads, small businesses should concentrate on an Inbound Marketing strategy. A blog section that has credible, original and useful content will help attract visitors.

In 2019, people are tired of in-your-face-ads. They prefer to discover and engage with content on their own. By setting up a blog section, you will be able to attract lifelong audiences. It is always better to think of a blog as your brand’s way of establishing reputation and credibility in the market.

If done in the right fashion, a blog section helps convert visitors into consumers and has a direct bearing on sales.

5. Do Search Engine Optimization (SEO)-

SEO Services help your brand’s website climb the rankings on the Search Pages. This has a direct influence in how many people discover your brand and its’s website. The higher your website is on the search rankings, the better will be your website traffic and revenues.

Apart from traditional digital marketing strategies, small businesses should also check out new ones. Professional link building services, such as those offered by a blogger outreach company that provides guest posting, link building, and content writing, can be a cost-efficient and effective way to improve your website’s online presence and drive targeted traffic. A blogger outreach company which offers guest posting, link building and content writing can be a cost efficient, but guaranteed ROI delivering choice.

This will help you reach your desired results much faster than other channels of digital marketing.


Millions of small businesses around the world are benefitting from using some digital marketing strategy or the other. If you want your brand to stand out in this highly competitive era, taking help from digital marketing is necessary.

If you wish to add to the list, feel free to write in the comments section below.


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