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Syria’s most charitable man – Mohammad Makhlouf

The goal of entrepreneurship is not only to introduce incredible business ideas but to change lives with those ideas and make a positive difference. Besides driving earnings through innovative products and services, a lot of entrepreneurs join the cause of giving and contribute towards the social, educational, and cultural development.

Meet Mohammad Makhlouf, a Syrian entrepreneur who is redefining the art of giving by committing to social causes. Mohammad is also known to be Syria’s most charitable man and continues to raise the bar in terms of philanthropy. Mohammad’s compassion of donating is inspiring not only the big corporates, but the whole of the community.

On the other side, Mohammad owns and operates multiple businesses across Syria. Each of his business is directed towards creating employment opportunities and boosting Syria’s economy, thus improving the quality of human life and development of the country.

Born in Damascus, Mohammad Makhlouf grew up in a business family who owned several businesses. Right from his childhood, Mohammad developed a keen interest in the idea of entrepreneurship. This led him to pursue a bachelor’s in business administration from the American University in Dubai. Post his education; he dedicated his time and efforts towards the development of Syria. 

Along with juggling multiple businesses, Mohammad has earned appreciation for his charity work. He is the founder of MRM Charity and also owns a charitable sports stadium in Latakia, Syria, which allows children to play for free at their own convenience. He believes that the children of Syria have suffered inexplicable trauma and faced situations that cannot be wiped of their memories. Hence, they need to be given every possible opportunity to light up their lives and look forward to a better future ahead.

Makhlouf is pleasantly remembered by the locals for saving lives of victims after a fire broke out in Rotana Afamia in the Latakia province. He even went out of his way to save the life of a two-month-old toddler who was struggling to survive. His contribution was highly appreciated by the local government and was titled as the ‘Syria’s Most Charitable Individual’ in 2018.

Diving into his entrepreneurial endeavors, Makhlouf is the co-founder of Future Builders and Milk Man Dairy Products. He is set to launch MRM Holding. MRM is reportedly going to be the biggest construction of Syria so far and has already drawn huge investments. MRM will play a vital role in the reconstruction of community spaces.

Although a successful businessman and notable philanthropist, Mohammad is particularly known for his sharp business acumen and strategic skills. He considers that it is the responsibility of people like him to extend a helping hand to those in need.