Main iPhone App Development Trends in 2019

Apple would not be the constant game changer if it did not translate its innovation strategies to its app development sector. For any iPhone developer knows that they have to keep themselves updated and acquainted with the innovative company’s trends in mobile app development as iOS apps are built with the latest app development trends in mind. It is only fair given that IOS gives better monetary service to app developers when compared to Android. According to statistics, with over 2.2 million apps in the Apple app store, the average cost for an app starts at $0.5. This makes it a great platform upon which to develop your app as you can be assured of zero blank statements. With updates in software and hardware, this directly impacts app development trends because of better functioning that the newer devices and the software updates provide to apps that are yet to be developed. To keep yourself updated with these updates, here are the main iPhone app development trends of 2019.

The IoT Connection

Studies show that by 2020, there will be at least 70 billion connected devices. This has made IoT a very ripe field for app developers. Apple recognizing this potential already has IoT device Homekit that is pregnant with opportunities for iPhone developers to connect to any of the devices in this kit. Learn how to leverage this with a great game app development company.

Leveraging on Even More Intelligent AI

As we know Siri, the first AI personal assistant, scored huge success and advancement points for Apple. The artificial intelligence personal assistant is getting smarter with each update and recently, a Sirikit was launched for integration with iOS apps that developers create and this will enable such apps to have easier functionality in terms of hand-free use, access from the lock screen and the use of numerous Siri shortcuts that you’d like.

Swift Update

No. This is no generic fast update! Instead, Apple has is releasing the 5th version of Swift paving way for IOS app developers who want a faster and easier way to get their app in the store.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is not slowing down in making waves and creating numerous opportunities for developers and analysts. Apple always the innovative leader has come up with the A12 Bionic Chip that performs tasks related to machine learning. These tasks include FaceID, Memoji etc. This will pave way for app developers who want to capitalize on these functions.

Apple Pay

To close the main iPhone app development trends of 2019, Apple Pay is now supported by every Apple device and hence, aiming to make Apple users cashless. This is important and as an IOS developer, you need to prepare yourself to leverage this trend.

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