This Security Camera Footage Clearly Shows That This School is Haunted. OMG!

The story about Pocatello High School just got scarier.

The security guards at this high school noticed something strange on their security footage. This school is known by strange and unexplainable events.

Only last year this school noted several paranormal activities. They even called paranormal investigators once after many reports showed that someone is tampering with the lights of this school.

There were many reports of students who were saying that they have heard flushing the toilets while there was no one there, piano playing by itself, people talking when nobody is near, etc.

It was really strange why the principle or the teachers haven’t done anything about this, but what could they do eventually?

Another proof of the haunted nature of this school is proven directly on camera.

Check out what they saw:

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I got chills all over my body!

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