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Designing a building is not just a project, it is the legacy that the architect will leave to the world. It will be his footprint in history and it may make him famous or infamous. If this sound a bit ...

2012 had some of the longest games ever released, if you look past all the shorter iOS applications that became proliferous this year. Being a timesink isn’t necessarily a bad thing—in fact, just the opposite. Here are five games of ...

It’s finally Fall! With places getting cooler in the northern hemisphere, those of you blessed with seasons probably have yards full of leaves by now (I can’t go check—I live in a desert). In any case, the holiday season is ...

As someone who loves both games and manga, it’s always fun to imagine the different ways they could blend. Here are five manga series that would work very well as video games. Some fitting manga have been omitted from the ...

As August begins, Summer is starting to end! This Summer had its share of popular and controversial titles, but here are five that stood out from the rest. Even if some of them did receive negative reception, all of these ...