• Situations That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity. This Will Bring Smile on Your Face

    Situations like this always bring smile on your face. People these days say: “Faith in humanity restored” and they couldn’t be more right for this....

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    Situations like this always bring smile on your face. People these days say: “Faith in humanity restored” and they couldn’t be more right for this. When you see something like this gives you motive for doing the same thing for the next homeless guy or person in need. They will be grateful for your existence...
    878 points
  • 32 Facts About the Everyday Life. You will be Fascinated

    I can bet you’ve already met these everyday facts, but you didn’t pay much attention to them. Someone did a really great job creating them...

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    I can bet you’ve already met these everyday facts, but you didn’t pay much attention to them. Someone did a really great job creating them and that someone is called Mikael Wulff. He is a cartoon creator who created these illustrations with some hurtful truths about everyday life. These graphs you will see below are...
    847 points