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Sony debuted PlayStation Home in December 2008. So, at the time of its closure on March 2015, the community’s existence will be a little over six years. As a hardcore PlayStation fanatic and owner of all the PlayStation consoles, I ...

If you’ve been interested in games for a while — even in passing — you’ll know the name Final Fantasy and the weight that comes along with it. One of the most revered series of all time now, it has ...

Wrestling games are kind of like crack to me at times. Even if I’m not in one of those “on” periods where I actually watch wrestling, I still play wrestling games almost as if it were a religion. There has ...

Battlefield 4’s release is coming up quickly, as it is slated to be released on October 29th in the United States. As always, it will be released in the Fall when there are a lot of other huge releases coming ...

The Last of Us and The Walking Dead are the two games that you’ll talk about when you talk about modern zombie games. Both The Last of Us and Telltale’s The Walking Dead are pretty different games, but both games ...

There was no better feeling than waking up to an unexpected Grand Theft Auto V gameplay trailer showing, you know, honest-to-goodness gameplay footage from the game and showing how some of the mechanics work. If you haven’t checked it out ...

I feel like when it comes to the Xbox One over the past few weeks, the horse has just about been beaten to death with pointing out flaws in Microsoft’s logic and reasoning, so I’m going to hop onto a ...

We as citizens of the world live in odd times, as we live in the day and age where Americans are being spied upon by their own government through the NSA and its PRISM program. As the world moves towards ...

Tension is one of those things that can make art more meaningful and provide the viewer/listener with a journey through an emotional experience. It was something that I first really learned about as a musician, by studying some great musical ...

Earlier today I got my shipment notification that my copy of The Last of Us was on its way to my door, which will cap off what has been a few weeks of reading some truly exceptional reviews for Naughty ...

One of the big drawbacks for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has seemed to be that neither console has any intentions of playing your last generation’s games right off of the disc like you’d wish. Sony has a plan ...

Over the past few weeks I’ve been taking a trip down memory lane and playing as much as I can of some of Rockstar’s better games of the last few years. What has struck me about them is how much, ...

The general consensus online seems to be panic and scrambling to find a way to condemn the Xbox One to a quick death because of the laser-sharp focus that Microsoft showed towards the Xbox One being a home entertainment console, ...

I couldn’t help it earlier when reading about Sony securing the domains for The Last of Us 2 and The Last of Us 3 I had to let out a groan. Not because I don’t want to see more great ...

Metro: Last Light is one of those games that hardcore gamers have been waiting to see released for a while now, with some snags encountered with THQ’s going out of business and subsequent fire sale. Even with all of those ...

The story of Defiance is an interesting one, as the game has been in development since 2008 and since then it was scooped up to be a television show as well, airing on the Syfy Network. After years of waiting, ...