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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End has been delayed. Naughty Dog and Sony PlayStation recently confirmed the news that the highly anticipated sequel will no longer see a likely holiday 2015 release. Instead the game will be released around the spring ...

In an interview with Game Informer, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End co-lead designer, Ricky Cambier, discussed how the environments for the game will be much more open. That means some of the spaces will provide a more open, “sandbox style” ...

The 60 FPS debate continues to rage on in the video game industry. This time, the issue has hit the upcoming, highly anticipated sequel, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Apparently, the developers at Naughty Dog are not positive the game ...

In the latest issue of Game Informer (via GameSpot), video game developer Naughty Dog confirmed that there will in fact be a multiplayer campaign for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The news is not a huge surprise, but it comes as ...

At the keynote session for the first inaugural PlayStation Experience, Sony Computer Entertainment and Naughty Dog were nice enough to debut actual gameplay footage of the highly anticipated next installment of the Uncharted franchise, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The ...

The Uncharted franchise is absolutely one of my favorite action-adventure game series. I avidly await the results of Uncharted 4, which will be hitting the PlayStation 4 next year. So far, details on the game have been rather slim. However, ...

The Last of Us and The Walking Dead are the two games that you’ll talk about when you talk about modern zombie games. Both The Last of Us and Telltale’s The Walking Dead are pretty different games, but both games ...

The Last Of Us is a pretty good game. Around 15-20 hours is needed to complete the game a first time, and while the game has its ups and downs, it overall delivers a satisfying experience to gamers. Developed by ...

Tension is one of those things that can make art more meaningful and provide the viewer/listener with a journey through an emotional experience. It was something that I first really learned about as a musician, by studying some great musical ...

Earlier today I got my shipment notification that my copy of The Last of Us was on its way to my door, which will cap off what has been a few weeks of reading some truly exceptional reviews for Naughty ...

Something happens to the gaming world in the summer, something ominous and terrible, it is called the “Summer Drought.” It is bound to happen just about every year, where all of a sudden the market dries up for new games ...

Sequels are like flies, they seem to only show up when you least want them to be around and when one shows up you can expect many more to follow. That isn’t to say that all sequels are bad, because ...

The most honest way that I can discuss this upcoming generation of consoles is to say that I’ve been seriously considering putting together a moderate PC for next to my television and to utilize Steam’s Big Picture Mode in lieu ...

This generation of game consoles is finally starting to reach the end of its life, with Nintendo already having released their new Wii U console. The expectations are that Microsoft and Sony will at least announce their next generation consoles ...