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The year 2012 was an interesting year for gaming and there were a lot of quality games released throughout the calendar year, but a lot more than just games happened in 2012. In fact, there were a bunch of trends ...

Exclusive games are a major selling point for consoles that can push them from mediocre machinery to a worthwhile purchase. Having a certain niche or target audience to cater a console’s games library as a whole to has helped Nintendo, ...

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder—but what if what you are looking at is constantly changing? Here are five games full of optical illusions, tricks of perspective, and puzzles where the answer isn’t just simple ...

Trying to name the best displays in pixel art is a difficult task—after all, the majority of games had pixel art for graphics up until 3D became a possibility. Along with that, there are several indie and app games that ...


FEZ is an amazing game that uses a unique camera-rotation premise to transform a 3D world into a 2D platforming challenge. The game is reminiscent of the older Zelda games, where you locate treasure chests and hearts through enjoyable but ...