The last issue of Nintendo Power says a lot about not just the current generation of gaming, but also the current generation of technology. As technology progresses in a more social manner and print media faces stiff competition, the faster ...

Despite the delay of the consumer Oculus Rift to late 2013—if it arrives next year at all—the headset already has a plethora of games behind it either made exclusively for Oculus use or made compatible with it. The Oculus Rift ...

Although it was patented in 2011, a summary of a combination of a regular Playstation controller and a PS Move controller was just published. Each part of the controller contains its own magnetometer, accelerometer, speaker, and gyro. The orbs are ...

The Oculus Rift made waves with its Kickstarter campaign, amassing a huge amount of $2.4 million dollars before it finally ended. With several of its development donation tiers bought out, and the more expensive ones purchased multiple times, it’s clear ...

With a team selected from AION, Jagged Alliance Online, Rainbow Moon, Settlers 7, War of Worlds and Lords and Knights, Days of Dawn has an incredible amount of experience backing the project. However, they are setting out to do something ...

The Wii U’s launch was filled with plenty of surprises, but the most prominent one was the console’s capabilities. Leading up to the Wii U’s release, the impression was that the console would meet or surpass current generation machines and, ...

With Thanksgiving and Black Friday both behind us, the gift-giving holidays are creeping up! Whether you’re looking for gifts or browsing for your own curiosity, here’s five games to look forward to this holiday season! 5) Ratchet & Clank: Full ...

In a very drawn-out presentation from Square Enix about their FFXIV reboot, A Realm Reborn, the developers explain that they are still debating whether or not to add same-sex marriage into the game along with the usual avatar marriage. In ...

From the creators of Dungeon Defiler, Slalom, El Codex Del Peregrino, Rotorscope, and Iredia comes a new, interactive game focused on a free, online experience. Unlike many other free online games, this point-and-click adventure would be released in installments of ...

The Wii U’s launch has been incredibly mixed—there’s news of older Wii games playing at 1080p, an incredibly cute data transfer loading screen, a price-your-own indie game market, limited stock indicating its success, and a rumored 3D Gamepad capability. However, ...

Electronic Arts has already made it clear that they are not interested in publishing new IPs for the remainder of this generation, but the logic behind that thought has finally been made clear. EA CEO John Riccitielo  stated on the ...

The Wii U has plenty of redeeming traits  that help it compete with other consoles, present and future, and draw in a new crowd that usually foregoes Nintendo games and consoles. Yes, I’m talking about hardcore gamers. Here are 4 ...

From a developer of Codemasters, Hard Lines, and Carmageddon comes a brand new game on the indie scene: FIST OF AWESOME (it’s even pronounced in all-caps). Originally made as a testament of his love and strong bond to the developer’s ...

Gameplay has always been the most prominent feature of any game—which is only natural, since it’s what the whole medium focuses on. However, a few developers intend to do away with it entirely in their game The Astronauts—instead focusing on ...

Bloom is an upcoming isometric RPG (similar to Bastion) that has a lot of promise when it comes to art, plot, and presentation. The preview for it is beautiful and the development asides show that Studio Fawn has put a ...

Hisachi Suzuki, Square Enix’s former president, stated in a tweet that Square’s merger with Enix failed and the company had ‘lost its vision for the future.’ With Square Enix’s lackluster sales and questionable titles lately, it’s easy to see why ...