What Can You Expect from Your Strata Manager?

2 min

A strata title comes with several things to consider, and one of these is the person or institution to take up the role of a strata manager. A strata manager is in charge of the maintenance of a strata title property. A strata manager Brisbane takes care of the day-to-day management of the property on behalf of the Council of Owners, focusing on the strata scheme’s common property. By working with a professional strata manager, you get many benefits, including taking the burden of the daily running of the common areas from the body corporate members.

Here are some of the responsibilities of a strata manager:

  1. Responsible for calculating levies, the necessary increases, serves levy notices and ensures debt recovery – The strata manager collects levies and increases them according to the prevailing management needs. The levies help in building upgrades in line with the recommended living standards.
  2. Ensures effective maintenance of common areas – The strata manager has a continuous role in ensuring that unit owners live comfortably. It’s also their responsibility to help owners differentiate between common areas and their lot.
  3. Maintains records, pays insurance policy and deals with any complaints that may arise – Although this is the Council of Owners’ duty, the council often delegates this responsibility to a strata manager. The strata manager will work in line with specific rules and regulations defined in the strata manager contract and according to the law, ensuring that all the strata scheme is managed carefully.
  4. Ensures building meets safety requirements – Every strata property must adhere to safety laws and regulations. The strata manager Brisbane must ensure that the property adheres to all safety requirements in the relevant jurisdiction. Some of these requirements include obtaining fire safety certification, among other things.
  5. Maintaining good interpersonal relations and sharing information – One of the major concerns people have about strata life is neighbours’ conflicts. The strata manager ensures there is harmony among all the users of the strata property. For this to happen, the manager must communicate the property rules. They can mediate whenever a dispute arises between unit owners.
  6. Offers professional advice to the Council of Owners regarding the property management
  7. The manager is responsible for correspondences between external parties and owners.
  8. Calculates expenses and provides a budget for approval

What Shouldn’t a Strata Manager Do?

Strata managers have no authority to make any significant decision without approval from the Council of Owners. Essentially, it means any expenditure or vital choices shouldn’t be made without the council’s approval unless prescribed in writing.

A strata manager should work in consultation with experts because it’s not a requirement for a strata manager to be a qualified builder or project manager. That means your strata manager Brisbane may not have the requisite knowledge to give legal or other relevant professional advice.

A strata manager isn’t allowed to add unauthorised motions to the agenda of any meeting without approval. The Council of Owners is the one charged with making any adjustment to the manager’s contract.

Bottom Line

The Council of Owners needs the strata manager for sound advice and professional suggestions regarding their property’s management. It is worth noting that cooperation between the owners and the manager determines how effective this role is. Nonetheless, to be more effective, a strata manager Brisbane should continuously learn to handle responsibilities better.


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