This Mother Came Up With a Wonderful Idea and Minutes Later Her Kids Are Having the Time of Their Lives!

2 min

What’s the best thing you can do to entertain your kids?

This mother was constantly searching what to do and how to succeed in entertaining her young children!

She came up with this.


The weather was so nice outside and she thought about making this $12 project.

She didn’t spend so much time on it and saved a lot of money while doing it. It’s an amazing cooling off project that will help you go through the summer.

Just imagine having something like this in your backyard where sun shines the most.

Starting with painter’s plastic

2. Starting with painter's plastic

Ironing creates a leak-proof seal

3. Ironing creates a leak-proof seal

The seal is now great and nothing can leak out.

4. The seal is now great and nothing can leak out.

Filling it up

5. Filling it up

The result…

6. The result...



If you want to make something like this for your home you need to follow this link.

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