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This Touching Story About a Man Waiting For a Heart Transplant Will Restore Your Faith in Technology

The 24-year-old Stan Larkin has been fighting with heart problems throughout his whole life until the doctors declared he needs to have a heart transplant.

It’s not that easy to find a healthy heart and do the transplantation. The process is more than complicated and patients like Stan are basically living in the hospital until that procedure is over.

Stan Larkin is now known as the first person that left the hospital with an artificial heart.

He is not the only person who has this kind of heart, but until now these artificial hearts were too large and patients weren’t allowed to leave the hospital with an artificial heart.

What we saw next is the backpack that carries this heart for Larking, helping him stay alive.

This is what we need to do in the future. We need science to focus on such inventions that will keep us alive.

Let’s see and hear Stan Larkin’s story.

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Brave young man!

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