Top 5 HD Game Remakes Wish List

3 min

Final Fantasy VII

At the moment, it seems that it is all the rage for classic games to get the HD remake treatment. Major publishers are mining their classic gaming libraries and providing their classic titles with a fresh coat of paint for the new-gen consoles with high definition remakes or next-gen remastering. Capcom will release the Resident Evil HD remake early next year. BioWare is asking fans if they want a Mass Effect trilogy remaster for the next-gen consoles. Here is a list of some old favorites that I would like to see get an HD remaster treatment for the new consoles.

5. Metal Gear Solid


A remastering of Metal Gear Solid for the new consoles would not be difficult. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, released in 2004, already did that. So the HD remastering of Metal Gear Solid would basically be based off the Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes version. It would be similar to the way in which Capcom used the Gamecube remake of the original Resident Evil for the basis of the next-gen upgrade. So basically, the modern HD remaster of the original Metal Gear Solid would use Twin Snakes as its basis.

4. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Shadows of the Empire

Is this probably a random choice to some? Yes, but I do not care. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire was one of my favorite games on the old N64 title. It was a fun romp around the Star Wars universe, and players were even able to fight Boba Fett in an awesome boss stage. I have wanted to see some sort of update for the title for years. It would be awesome to relive the opening Hoth stage with updated visuals.

3. Resident Evil 2


The HD remake of the first Resident Evil game is already happening, so one other high point in the franchise should get one too. I realize that the upcoming HD remake of Resident Evil is a remastering of the Gamecube remake released a little over a decade ago. However, if the Resident Evil HD remake is a big success, that could provide an incentive to invest into an upgraded port. I realize it would be considerably more expensive than what is being done with the new version of the first game, but it would be worth it to relive one of the best games in the Resident Evil franchise.

2. Spider-Man 2

spider-man 2 screen 5

It was a tough call going back and picking which Spider-Man game should get the remaster treatment. Ultimately, I would like it to be Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 2 is still my favorite Spider-Man video game ever made, and it is one of the best movie-based games ever. Unfortunately, after the console switched over, the Spider-Man franchise  vanquished with Spider-Man 3. There could be a licensing issue in pulling this off, but it would be spectacular to get Spider-Man 2 in glorious HD with some upgraded graphics.

1. Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII

This is the big one. Final Fantasy VII was undoubtedly a game changer. For a while, it looked like an HD remake of Final Fantasy VII would have been a reality, but Square Enxix went in another direction. Still, I would love to see a return to the classic installment of Final Fantasy VII, showing Cloud, Sephiroth and company in HD with new visuals.

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