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Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s Future Wedding Is Facing A PRENUP?

Yep, these things do happen on the big stage.

The happy couple is experiencing difficulties when it comes to putting their signature for living happily ever after. Rumors started circling around that the real reason for this wedding hold up is the prenup agreement.

First there was the pregnancy of Kim which was holding down both celebrities to get married. Then it was post-pregnancy era and Kim not being ready to organize her happiest day. Now it’s this deal.

According to some sources, Kim and Kanye won’t get married until they settle their prenup agreement. This marriage agreement is expected to be signed next week.

Nothing will happen before both of them give their signature on the bottom line. This won’t be Kim’s first time to sign this kind of agreement as she did it once with Kris Humphries.

According to the same sources, Kanye is the reason about the hold up. Reportedly, the hip-hop star got things complicated, when he decided to change his management. We still don’t know what will happen next as both of them are avoiding talking about it in public.

Kim Kardashian Wedding

However, Kim did address the audience on Twitter. She decided to calm things down declaiming the rumors about possible secret marriage between her and Kanye West.

There were some rumors saying that Kim and Kanye already got married privately over the weekend and Kim said:

Kim Tweet 1

Then there were some other people claiming that they are finishing the deal with the production to film the whole wedding for “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” TV Show.

About this, Kim has tweeted:

Kim Twitter 2


Kim Kardashian

We totally agree with Kim on this one.

We can’t avoid talking about the rumors, that the guest list for the wedding of these two is longer than the Chinese wall. Reportedly, 1600 people will be invited on this wedding.

However Kim declined this tweeting:

Kim Kardashian

She also asked from us to not believe in nonsense, unless we hear the details for the wedding from them.

All the rumors started when Kim was spotted in Paris, to make a 24-hour wedding preparations. Well, according to her, all of this was complete nonsense.

Do you believe her?

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