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Top 5 Games of Summer

As August begins, Summer is starting to end! This Summer had its share of popular and controversial titles, but here are five that stood out from the rest. Even if some of them did receive negative reception, all of these are high-quality titles that are well worth a try.


5) Sorcery

Released on May 22, this game remains the best addition to the PS Move library, as well as one of the few that are actually interesting. It takes a concept that perfectly fits the move’s capacity and stuffs it into a game—which makes it one of the few games this generation that uses motion controls appropriately, and not just as a gimmick or alternative to a regular controller. While it’s not a huge, ground-breaking game by any means, it’s still very fun and explores what’s possible with the motion controls Sony’s invested in so much.

4) The Secret World

The Secret World was hyped to no tomorrow, and when the game released on July 3 (after a few delays), it was met with plenty of players anxious to see how the plot turned out. While I personally found it to be disappointing (it played like your typical zombie apocalypse game), it has a very innovative skill and class set, and allows you to fully tailor your character to your play style. It also offers plenty of incentive to create multiple characters, meaning this new MMO has more than a week’s worth of content.

3) Gravity Rush

Even though it was pitched as a launch title, Gravity Rush wasn’t released until June 12 for North American gamers. The game is a welcome addition to the PS Vita library, and it offers a rich action-RPG experience. The controls perfectly utilize the Vita’s touch screens and dual analogue sticks, making the controls very intuitive and easy to learn. Floating through the city at will is always fun, and the battles keep you moving through the game. This is definitely one of the best—if not, the best—PS Vita title.

2) Diablo 3

Complain all you want about the DRM controversy that its PC version suffered, Diablo 3 was a nice addition to this generation of games. If dungeon diving with friends and collecting unique weapons is your sort of thing, then this game was made for you—and it’s sure to give fans of the Baldur’s Gate or Dark Cloud series something to enjoy while they wait for their own new additions. The online auction house is also unique, especially considering that it was one of the first legal marketplaces for virtual items using real currency. This entry in the series shows its age and might take a little getting used to, but nostalgia seekers should have no problem playing through the different modes of Diablo 3.

1) Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 was the first game in the series to be picked up by Rockstar, and it stands out both within Rockstar’s list of developed games and within the series itself. The game changes the series tone abruptly, switching to a more cynical Max Payne that has spiraled down into a negative character from the events of the game prior. It introduces a few new elements, the best one being the Last Stand, and attempts to make cutscenes and battles seamless by making everything interactive. If you enjoyed Rockstar’s games or the other entries of the series, it’s worth a try—but keep in mind, the developers tried something different with this one, and the game may not be what you expect it to be.

I picked up a B.A. in English with a specialty in Poetry. I also draw manga-inspired webcomics and play far too much Minecraft in my free time. My favorite game is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, while my favorite series is Suikoden!